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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 68

Chapter 68 

Alone. That’s how I felt as I sat on the swing. My feet had  brought me to the park, not wanting to go home yet. 

I knew that I had been skipping school a lot more  frequently now and was afraid that dad would find out.  He’d throw a fit and I would want to avoid that. 

I sighed softly, looking around the empty park. The gra*s  was a luscious green with tiny wildflowers that  occasionally got stomped on by animals and people  walking around.

It has been so long since I’ve been here. The quietness  and the soft breeze as it pushed back my tresses relaxed  me. 

My bag rests atop my thighs as my fingers wrap around  the rope of the swing. I wanted to bask in the quietness.  I needed it. 

I lift my head and closed my eyes as a tiny smile replaced  the frown. The sun beat down on my face rea*suring me  that everything would be okay. 

The more time flew the more I began to feel regret for  treating Blake the way I did. I should’ve listened to him  and let him explain. I knew Stacy was a conniving bitch  to begin with and I fell right into her trap. 

I needed to go and apologize to Blake for embarra*sing  him in the cafeteria. It was wrong of me and uncalled for. 

Damn it, I love the fool and would not want to lose him. I  overreacted and went too far. He must think that I broke  things off. 

I don’t know how long I’ve been here but it must’ve been  hours. The park was already starting to fill up with  people. Their curious gazes flickering to me occasionally. 

They must be thinking that I was crazy. My hair a mess  from being tugged at and eyes red from crying. 

I chew my bottom lip as I fumble with the zipper of the  bag. Grasping my phone I checked the time.The first  thing I notice is the many missed calls I had received  from Blake and Ryan. 

I frowned. I must’ve put it on silent without even  knowing. I read the time. Two thirty. Maybe I should  start walking home now. It is a little bit of a distance  from here, probably twenty minutes on foot. 

I breathed out a sigh and pushed the phone back in my  bag.I will call them when I get home, they must be  worried. 

I gnawed on my lips in thought of speaking to Blake. I  was embarra*sed of the way I acted. I needed to speak to  him in person. 

Rising to my feet I pull the bag straps over my shoulders  and amble away from the pack. An elderly couple seated  on a crafty wooden bench sees me and their brows pinch  in worry. 

I tear my eyes away from them, quickening my footsteps.  “Hey dearie are you alright?”

The question comes from the woman whose hands were  clutched tenderly by the man who seemed to be her  husband, judging by the glittering gold ring on their  fingers. 

Immediately my mind flickers to Blake. I wanted that  with him. Just by looking at the couple one could tell  how much they loved eachother. The tenderness was  there, you could not mistake it. I smiled at her as best as  

I could to ease her worries. 

“I’m fine thank you.” I said politely, wanting to coo when  her husband pulls her closer to his chest. The way they  acted made me ache for Blake even more. I need to get  home soon so I could call him over. 

He doesn’t look convinced at my declaration. And  neither did I. “Are you sure?” He asked. 

I nodded. “Yes I am, don’t worry just needed to clear my  head of studies. I’m in my final year, you know how  tough school can be around this time.” I joked and  waved them goodbye when they seemed convinced  enough. 

Now the walk home. I prayed I reach before Arden. I  don’t want him blabbering to dad and mom about me 

skipping school again. I would have to give him a twenty  to keep shut. 

My fingers gripped the straps of my bag tightly as I  walked along the sidewalk. School had just dismissed for  the younger one’s. Their parents coming to pick them up  hastily. I would want to avoid getting in their way. 

I turn the corner, my converse smacking against the hot  pavement. The sound of a car slowing down beside me  has me stiffening. I prayed it wasn’t Ryan. I didn’t want  to speak to anyone as yet. 

The car is now going the same pace as I am. From my  peripheral vision I noted that the car was a sandy blue. 

It was not Ryan’s.I leave my head faced front, not  wanting to look at who was obviously trying to get my  attention. 

“Hey!” It’s a woman’s voice. I stop and turn to stare at  her. 

The gla*s is down as the woman peers at me. She is  familiar, her blue eyes and dark hair messily around her  shoulders.


“Do you need a ride?” She asked and smiled sweetly.  When I looked reluctant to answer her brows furrowed. 

“I don’t know if you remember me but I work at the  school, in the cafeteria?” She looked hopeful for a  recognition. Instantly I remember her, the lunch lady. 

“I live a bit down that street but I’d happily give you a  ride.” She suggested. 

I contemplate for a few seconds. Weighing my options. I  did need to reach home before Arden. And it was not  like she was a stranger. Though I never held a  conversation with her she seemed harmless enough to  trust. 

So I nodded and entered the car a second later. I buckled  myself and gave her a tight smile. “Thank you. I live on  breach road street.” 

She smiles and nods. “Got yah.” She laughs and starts  driving away. I turn my head to stare out of the window. 

“So what’s your name?” She asked, trying to make  conversation. 

I turn to stare at the front. “It’s Ashley.”

She nods. “That’s a lovely name. Your parents have good  taste.” She giggles turning the corner. 

“Do you mind if I make a quick stop? I promised my  mom I’d drop her pills as soon as possible. My house is  just round the corner.” She turned her head to face me  for a second. 

Not wanting to keep her mom waiting, I nodded. She  smiles and as promised she stops at a small wooden  house a few minutes later. The white paint was chipping  and the rustic gate screamed for repainting. 

The house is surrounded by dried patches of gra*s. The  scarce of neighbors on this street was alarming. I had  never walked this path. Everyone avoided walking here  from the talk of bad men doing illegal things around  that area. 

“I’ll be quick.” She promised getting out and walking to  the boot of the car. I looked at her through the side-view  mirror. I quickly look away when she struts to my side. 


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