Luca’s POV
“Took you long enough,” James started to mused loudly as soon as I pulled the door open and started to make my way inside the sitting room. I snorted a little as I pushed the door closed behind me and made sure it was locked before I started to make my way into the sitting room. James, who was currently sitting on one or the three seater couches and I headed over to where he was sitting and sank into the free spot beside him.
The guns which were still in my pants were starting to dig into my thighs way too intensely and it made me stand up after a few moments of me sitting down, in order to get the weapons off my body.
James watched as I started to shrug out of suit jacket right before I tugged my already loosened tie off my shoulder and discarded both pieces of material into Ynr space beside me. I reached for the top of my pants and tugged the first gun out, leaning forward and placing the weapon down on the table before I started to tug out the second gun out of my pants as well, placing it on the table beside the first one.
I turned towards my discarded suit jacket and picked it up the moment I remembered that there were some weapons inside the other side of the suit jacket, and then I proceeded to tug out knives from the inside of the jacket.
“You still carry a knife with you?” I heard James asked and I lifted my head up to stare at him before nodding my head once as I made to reply with words at the same time. “Mhhm, I do. Why?” I asked the last part like a question and watched as he shrugged once before leaning more comfortably against the back rest of the couch he was currently sitting on, before he made to supply me with a reply.
“No reason, I just thought you’ve stopped moving knives after y’know…” He started to say and I pursed my lips as I turned my head around and moved forward to place tne knifes on the table, ignoring his gaze as I turned back around and sank back into my spot on the couch.
I started to unbuckle the buttons on the cuff of my inner shirt, and once they loosened, I pulled the sleeves on my shirt up to rest beneath my elbow.
I turned my head around to stare at James who was still watching me and studying my every move, obviously trying to figure me out to no avail.
“I did stop, at a point.” I started to say and watched as he nodded his head once, before he started to point out in the very next second. “I do know that, which was why I was surprised to see a knife on you now, after thinking you weren’t going to have a thing to do with it anymore.”
“You did said it yourself that people make mistakes, didn’t you? Well, I’ve decided to accept the fact that what happened that day had been nowhere near something which might have been done on purpose, and I have finally forgiven myself – or almost forgiven myself, because I still haven’t made use of it yet, even though I had started to carry it along with me once again.” I said to him and watched as he stared at me without blinking as I said those words and how he started to nod his head as those words sank into his mind the moment they were out of my mouth.
“It’s a good thing you’ve finally started to see this particular thing from my own point of view even though I’ve wanted you to see and understand it for a really long time.” James started to say and I allowed a small snort to slip out of my nose as I lifted up my fingers to stroke the tip of my fingers through my curls, in the very next moment.
I leaned into the backrest of the couch more heavily and groaned low in my throat before tugging my hands out of my hair and dragging the palm of my hands, over my face and lower to rest it on tne top of my chest, before I started to speak once again.
The readers' comments on the novel: Betrothed To The Mafia Lord
Please update more...
Please update...
OMG what a way to leave everyone hanging. Please let there be more coming or even another novel to provide a much needed ending....
Are there anymore chapters coming? The ending left us hanging...