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Betrothed To The Mafia Lord novel Chapter 102

Luca’s POV

“I am not kind hearted, James.” I started to say as a small chuckle slipped out of my mouth, right before I continued. “And you know It. We both know I am nothing close to being kind hearted.”

I watched as James breathed out a laugh before staring at me like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing coming out from my mouth. He started to speak about a minute had passed. “Did you say you’re not kind hearted?”

He asked and the thin line around my lips got more intense as I turned my head around to watch him once again, hating how I knew that he had a point without even trying to think, deep down in my heart.

“I am not.” I said to him and watched as he started to laugh once again before calming down and reaching out to place a hand around my shoulder, a gesture which made me turn my head around him to glare pointedly at him until he pulled his hand away from my shoulder while laughing a little.

“But if we’re being honest with yourself, you do know you’re kind hearted compared to a lot of other mafia lords, right?” I heard James start to speak once agsin and I started to absentmindedly chew on the side of my lower lips as I allowed his words to sink into my head, knowing that he was undoubtedly right and not telling any kind of lie.

“I mean, you do know you’re not as ruthless as a lot of other mafia lords, you’re not one bit, compared to them.” James continued and I was starting to wonder if it was a bad thing that I wasn’t as horrible as the other mafia lords.

“Don’t get me wrong though, it’s not a bad thing, I mean, come to think of it – people don’t even know you’re not half as wicked and ruthless as they all love to think, which was very perfect for us, so it’s not a bad thing at all.” Jamesc continued and once he was done, and his words had started to sink into my head, I turned my head around and started to watch him, as my mind moved around in my head.

It was a good thing, and a bad thing. I knew that one at least, I didn’t need anyone to point that one out for me, I knew it without even trying.

“You know how kind and unproblematic you are compared to other mafia lords? Sometimes I think about it and laugh at how everyone just thinks you’re one harsh person without even trying to find out if it was true or not, before jumping into their own conclusions.” James started to say once again after a few seconds and I snorted after a few seconds, just for the sake of it, because I didn’t know what to say to that.

I might be kind hearted and unproblematic like James had pointed out, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t fight. James, who was one of the most powerful people I had ever come across, still hasn't been able to defeat me in a fight, ever since when we were still teenagers. And ever since then and we had begun to train together, my strength grew massively and it was no match for his own strength. It wasn’t like he was completely weak compared to me– because I loved competing or training with him the most, because he was one of tne few people I had ever fought with, that their strength were matching mine in some kind of way, compared to other weaker people who would be completely out after receiving one of my punches into their faces, or their biceps, and also wouldn’t even be able to get any kind of solid hit on me before they’d be down flat on their backs.

But he was still learning beside me, although I rarely used my strength because I hated to fight or make use of my fists if there was a way I could avoid it, at will cost. I hated unnecessary stuff and also hated violence that was unnecessary.

“Anyways, I have started to move around with knives once again, even though I am sure I wouldn’t be making use of it anytime soon. But it would be on me for a long time.” I paused and lifted my fingers to massage my forehead with my fingers a little on feeling it start to slightly pound, right before I continued to speak. “If I carry it around me and still don’t get to make use of it for a while, when I really need, I’d let go of it and stop moving around with it on me– since it was no use it me to carry a weapon around which I wouldn’t be able to use… not like I plan to get into any kind of fight anytime soon, I am just saying.”

James nodded his head as the words sank into his head and started to speak after a few moments. “I understand you, although it’s a good thing you’ve started moving around with it on you once again.” He paused and wiggled an eyebrow at me before continuing. “I have a feeling you’d be able make use of it when you really need to, up just don’t think about it for now, and just go with tne flow whenever a situation that would need to to whip out your knives arrives.”


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