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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 186

Chapter 186 Putting the Show Together

When Matthew calmed down slightly, the employees helped to clean up his mess while Carol

accompanied me back to my office

Suddenly, Matthew burst into my office. “Chloe, what’s your relationship with Mr. Maddox? Why didn’t you say anything about it when we were together? How many more resources and connections do you have? Why are you doing this?!”

I stood behind my desk and rested my hands on it as I gazed at him in amusement. His questions

seemed comical, as if he believed I should surrender all my answers. He had a peculiar way of thinking.

I replied, “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

“Why are you doing this to me, Chloe?” His tone softened abruptly, and he sounded disheartened, “When

did you become so ruthless?”–

My phone rang as he spoke, interrupting our conversation. I saw it was Atlas, collected my thoughts, and

answered the call, “Hello?”

“Where are you?” Atlas’s voice came through.

“In my office,” I replied simply.

“Wait for me,” he said before hanging up. I didn’t quite grasp the meaning behind his words.

I sat in my chair, looking at Matthew. “I don’t have time to answer your questions. Take care of yourself from now on. Carol, please see our guest out!” I instructed Carol.

I learned a valuable lesson from Ryan today. Instead of arguing with Matthew, I remained calm and used

my strengths to render him powerless and troubled. I believed it was the best course of action.

“Chloe, how could you treat me like this?” He continued to gaze at me dejectedly. “Why can’t I see through you?”

I didn’t want to engage with him since today’s events gave me a splitting headache.

“Mr. Matthew, please leave,” Carol said coldly.

ariced at Carol, then turned to me. “Chipe, you’re not the same as before, You’ve hat, he strode out of my office.

He felt he could tal


I started to appreciate Ryan’s tactics. He used Atticus’s visit to make Matthew anxious and confused. Matthew now believed I had a connection with the mysterious Maddox. Meanwhile, I knew Maddox could

put everyone on edge.

“Carol, please find out who this Mr. Maddox is.”

“Ms. Chloe, Maddox O’Connell is the highest–ranking official of a government agency,” Carol immediately. replied, leaving me stunned.

No wonder Atticus had acted decisively. It seemed Maddox hadn’t disclosed everything last night. He had only come to help me, even though we didn’t know each other. Still, I wondered why he did it or if he


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