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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 253

Chapter 253 No Need for Comparison

She smiled. “I thought you were a clean and upright person. It turns out that it’s just a facade. You’re aiming for the big fish while disregarding the small fry?” Her tone dripped with contempt this time.

“Ms. Liora, why make such assumptions? Have I offended you in some way to deserve this treatment? It’s

rather impolite, don’t you think?” I feigned innocence.

Since she had laid her cards on the table, I saw no need to dodge the issue. !

“Heh… Is this considered impolite?” She let out a disdainful snort. “You’ll do whatever it takes, won’t you? Don’t act all high and mighty while secretly groveling to the big shots.”

“Oh?” I responded with a light chuckle, never breaking eye contact with Liora.

I had no intention of backing down. After all, I had already crossed her, and there was no way to avoid it. There was no need for reconciliation,

“In that case, I’d kindly ask you to go back and talk with Mr. Atticus about how I supposedly groveled before him. I’d love to hear about it.”

I understood she referred to the favor Atticus had shown by helping me resolve the project’s timeline.

However, since Atticus dared to take such action, he must not have been swayed by her influence. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have dared to kick the Thompson family out of Echelon Group.

It was clear that Liora was also a coward in front of Atticus. Atticus was not the kind of man who would give in to a woman’s charms.

I found my impression of Atticus improving a bit.

“In business, everyone has their methods. I don’t resort to underhanded tactics like secret deals or bullying my way to success. I’m just a small business owner, far from having the capital you possess, Ms. Liora.”

My words were delivered without humility or arrogance, yet they carried weight.

Please spare us small business owners, Ms. Liora, The hat is too big for us to hold up.” I smiled gently. Well, I wont keep you any longer. See your

hup my bags and walked briskly towards the axit, leaving Llors without a chance to reply.


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