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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 325

Chapter 325 The Bane of the Murphy Family

Carol reacted incredibly fast. Before the shadow reached me, she swiftly pulled me away. Just as I got up from the chair, the shadow collided with it, resulting in a loud thud. The entire room gasped in shock. I was still trying to process what was happening.

As I gathered my wits, I realized Grace had lunged at me and ended up on the ground. Her forehead had hit the chair during the collision, and now she was hurling insults in my direction.

“Chloe, you wretched woman! After serving you for ten years, I never expected you to be so heartless and


She listed my crimes, “You not only took the Murphy family’s property but you also got involved with a man who brutally beat up my son. He was left battered and bruised. Chloe, you’re a despicable person!

Have you no shame?”

The crowd of onlookers gasped again, staring at me like a demon.

Carol’s face flushed with anger, and she roared, “Hey, why are you twisting the story?”

Liora watched with folded arms, seemingly relishing my discomfort and her victory.

Grace continued, “Haven’t we treated you well? Haven’t we provided for you both, ensuring you lacked


Looking at the older woman on the ground, I felt powerless. I regretted my decision to be here today. Perhaps I should have maintained my distance from this family from the beginning.

“You’ve taken our house and incited a stranger to beat my son within an inch of his life. Chloe, you’re a

disgrace, an abomination!”

The spectators gasped once more, their eyes filled with a mixture of shock and disgust. Matthew’s gaze was fixed firmly on my face. I had no idea what was going on in his mind.

This man had once enveloped me in sweet words and promises, but now he stood there, watching his


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