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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 342

Chapter 342 The Stubborn Old Man

Not only did the shop owner open up about it, even the woman getting her hair done chimed in. It seemed like they were both very familiar with this family

It turned out that Dominic’s eccentric behavior had a backstory.

He was born into an intellectual family and taught chemistry at a university in the city. He was devoted to his career and got married quite late. He had a child in his middle age, the cherry on top of his already

blissful life.

Everything seemed perfect, but little did he know that his idyllic dream lasted only five years.

At the time, he was at the pinnacle of his career. He was the youngest Ph.D. supervisor, and he even

bought a house.

This was supposed to be an enviable celebration, but tragedy struck when his beloved son was diagnosed, with leukemia the second year after moving into the new house.

This news shattered Dominic’s dreams. He traveled far and wide to seek treatment for his child, depleting

his wealth and ending up with nothing.

He couldn’t fathom why this had happened. His child had always been healthy, lively, and exceptionally intelligent. How could he be afflicted with such an illness?

Determined to find answers, he spared no effort in his investigation. Eventually, his hard work paid off, leading him to a shocking conclusion. The house had hazardous substances far exceeding safety limits,

resulting in dire consequences.

In a twist of fate, another young child tragically lost their life during his investigation, further confirming

his findings.

Then Dominic filed a lawsuit against the property developer.

“That incident made headlines. Later, he won the case and heard he received a hefty settlement!” The woman getting her hair done chimed in. “Even all the homeowners in that building benefited.”

“Yes, I heard he received quite a sum, but it’s said that he donated all of it, saying he established some

kind of laboratory! He is quite a stubborn man. With so much money, why conduct experiments?” The

shop owner lamented. “I just don’t understand!”

Then, Pinnacle Group managed to hire him, offering a hefty monthly sum! What a shame, though. He

didn’t have any children after that.”

The two women chatted animatedly, and I managed to piece together the story.

It was clear that Pinnacle Group had a knack for marketing. Their ability to recruit Dominic was the ultimate testament to their persuasive abilities.

Pinnacle Group had become the leading brand in real estate. Their foresight and ambition set them apart


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