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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 393

Chapter 393 Composed

Atlas’s decisive actions left those in the room reeling.

After a while, Nick stood up and announced, “Let’s adjourn!”

His words seemed to snap everyone back to reality. I turned to Carol and suggested, “We should leave,


Suddenly, a piercing shout cut through the air, “Chloe! This is all your doing… What did I ever do to you?

How could you conspire against me like this?!”

I turned, startled, to find the source of the rage. It came from Eloise. Her eyes burned with anger, and she

pointed a trembling finger at me, her hatred strong.

“Chloe, I have unfinished business with you. You wretched woman, for…”

“Outrageous! This is not Austier Agency. You can’t shout so loudly here. Get out!” Nick looked at her with

a stern face.

It was the first time I saw Nick look so forbidding. Everyone’s attention turned to Eloise.

The room was already tense from the previous conflict, and Eloise’s shouting only added fuel to the fire. She found herself in an awkward position as her fellow attendees scoffed at her.

“Where do you get the confidence to go berserk at ATL Empire? Get out!” Nick shouted again, cutting Eloise off.

With a pale face, Harmony’s assistant tugged at Harmony’s sleeve, whispering something. Harmony, embarrassed, stood up and left the conference room.

Seeing that Harmony had already left the room, Eloise didn’t pay attention to her. She was even angrier.

Ivanna’s face was gloomy, and she didn’t acknowledge Eloise. She also got up, intending to leave.

I could completely understand Ivanna’s current state of mind. After all, these two people were both from the Austier Agency, and she was their boss. She was embarrassed.


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