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Billionaire's Accidental Wife novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34 I do not recognise my voice. It is thick with animosity. My hands are shaky and tears are threatening to spill from my eyes. Appearing to realise the seriousness of the situation, Dave turns to his colleagues. “Gentleman, please excuse me for a moment?”

He gets up and strides over to me, gripping my forearm as he gently pulls me out of the room. We walk down a short corridor and into an empty office. Dave shuts the door and glares at me, anger fueling his eyes. “What the hell was that, Chelsea?!” he states, his tone biting. “Explain this to me!” I half-shout, flinging the documents into his hands. “You lied about what the company is doing in Kenya. You have plans to use children? and exploit the people in an area that is too damn close to the orphanage I volunteered at. And you plan to pay the workers practically nothing!” He begins to scan the papers, his eyes darting back and forth hastily. “How did you get this?!” he asks, puzzled yet still furious. “What does it matter? It’s out in the open now! I know the truth and you can’t hide it anymore!”

“You weren’t supposed to see these papers, Chelsea. They are confidential documents!” “Is that all you care about? The fact that I saw something I wasn’t supposed to? You don’t care that your men will use children? Only a few miles from the orphanage? You don’t care that the men you’ll be hiring are people’s sons, partners, and brothers… who are desperate for money to support their families. You are taking advantage of them and putting their lives at risk! And your biggest concern is how much you will profit!” Fresh tears spill down my cheeks. Talking about Kenya, the orphanage, and any damage done to my beloved community, horrifies me.

“Chelsea…this isn’t about you.” His voice has become soft, and I can tell he is trying to calm me down. But it is not going to work. “You don’t get it, do you, Dave? The reason why the community I volunteered in is struggling is because of big companies like yours coming in and taking away all the men to force them into hard labor. These men have no choice but to work. They need the money.” “Chelsea, please. You don’t understand.”

“No! You don’t get it, Dave! You don’t understand that what you’re doing is going to destroy villages, homes, and families… How could you be so cold? You’re not the person I thought you were! You are not my Dave anymore.”

“Chelsea…” he reaches his hands out towards me in an attempt to console me but I back away.

“I’m leaving. I want nothing to do with you or your company every again!” I say through a flood of tears before making a beeline for the door.

I grab my handbag from my desk and head straight for the elevator.

“Chelsea!” I heard Dave’s commanding voice shout from the corridor. He is storming towards

me like a man on a mission. Just before he reaches me, the elevator doors open and I jump inside, pushing the close door’ button repeatedly until it finally complies.

Goodbye, Dave… and good riddance. I storm violently through the massive white double doors of the mansion.

The temper that ignited at the office is still burning inside of me. My heart is racing and my steps are heavy as I stride into the immaculate home. My cheeks are stained with tears, my fists are clenched and my eyes are red with anger.

The mansion is quiet. I hate this pompous place and everything that it stands for. I despise its false display of wealth that has been ruthlessly acquired from the toils of the less fortunate. Now that I know the truth, I need to get out of this hellhole.

I make my way up the staircase, taking two steps at a time to hurry the pace. I curse myself for not listening to my instincts. From my sister’s sudden marriage to my distaste for Sebastian and this empty home; I always had an uneasy feeling about it. A my finger on why. But I know exactly what I need to do. I blaze into my room like a furious tornado and drag my suitcase out from the top shelf of my wardrobe. Then I pull apart my drawers and begin piling clothes messily into the suitcase. When it becomes full, I drag another one out from the top shelf and fling more clothes inside.

Sweat beads form on my forehead as I work myself into a frenzy. Thoughts of my conversation with Dave refuel my rage. How could he lie to me? How could he be so ruthless?

So callous? This situation has left me hurt, angry, and confused, along with a whole heap of other emotions. Could Dave really be the same, loving person I had sex with? Is he the same person whose charm and piercing blue eyes left me drooling for his touch?

I shudder at the thought that he ever had such an effect on me. “Chelsea! Chelsea!”

I hear my name being screamed by a familiar voice, but I ignore it. I knew Dave was hot on my tail the moment I left the office. I knew it would only be a matter of time before he found me, hence my haste.


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