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Billionaire's Accidental Wife novel Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Dave had no idea how he’d survived more than an hour in the truck, sitting so close to Chelsea. Her leg had rested against his the entire journey, causing him to feel distracted, calmed, and… aroused beyond reason. It took him back to another evening drive they’d done together after a night in the pub in London. The one that had finished with them both nude and intertwined on a blanket beneath a midnight grey sky streaked with shooting stars.

“Dave, hurry up! Isn’t it incredible?”

She grabbed a bottle of the newest and most expensive wine from the wooden cases in the back of the yellow Subaru and started running up the side of the nearby hill. Half drunk. He watched her go, her long legs bare and her curvy backside clad in grape-stained, faded denim shorts. He was always in a state of arousal around her, but seeing her dance away from him under the thin moon glow turned his cock to granite.

“Chelsea, you’d better come back. I don’t think this is a good idea.” Nevertheless, he pulled an old wool blanket from behind the seat and jogged after her.

She helped him spread it out on the cool grass, and then pulled him down next to her. “Here, open this.” She handed him the bottle and a corkscrew.

“We are already drunk. One of us needed to drive back.” he reminded her as he pulled the cork out with a soft pop. None of his kind did, but she knew that well enough. “Do you ever wish you could taste this? This is one of the most expensive drinks ever. Want a taste?”


“Come on, this is Glenfiddich, 40-year-old rare single malt.” He had never had that sort of drink ever, but then he watched her tip the bottle to her lips to take a sip, and he knew a thirst unlike any he’d ever known. Her throat worked as she swallowed. Her head tipped back, drawing his eyes to the creamy column of her neck.

He cleared his throat, searching for his voice. Was he willing to betray her sister’s trust?

He and Chelsea naked underneath the moon? Those visions started to glow with amber. “Jane and the yoga girls are waiting for us to return to your flat.”

“Don’t be silly, Jane is busy with her boring husband,” she said as she slowly removed the bottle from her mouth and placed it on the grass. Her lips were slick and as dark as the wine soaked cherries. Her serious pools of eyes were rimmed by long black lashes. “Would you like to go, Dave?”

He saw it for what it was: his sole chance to put an end to his desire for Chelsea before it became too strong. For weeks, they had been anticipating this moment. Hell, from the first time he entered into her life.

A few fleeting looks. Just a few words. We laughed together. Then, after he’d resisted his

attraction for as long as he could, there was a kiss and a few stolen embraces. Then came the passionate caresses that had both of them on fire.

But she wasn’t a fool, she was a master of the game she desired to play. He shouldn’t be sitting alongside her in the moonlight, staring at her throat and wishing he was a better man. One with enough honour to lie and claim he wasn’t insanely in love with her. “What exactly do you want, Dave?”


He tucked her beneath him on the blanket and unwrapped her with the reverence of a cherished gift. From her quiet moans, as he kissed, licked, and sucked every tantalising inch of her… to her quivering cries as he penetrated her virgin body and introduced her to an even deeper pleasure as a sea of shooting stars slid overhead, every breathless moment was burnt into his senses.

Dave sighed at the unexpected recall and the desire it sparked in him even now.

Tyler’s body was replete with desire by the time they arrived in Tyler’s brother’s town, his shaft so hard it was a marvel he’d been able to drive. His palm was still red from the beautiful kiss she’d given him. His veins throbbed with a longing for her that was far more profound than mere desire. If he’d thought their months apart would chill his affections for her, that delicate kiss to the centre of his hand had shattered all hope.

He was in big trouble here, fuck! He should have been thinking about his duties – and the mission’s dubious status – but his mind was wrapped around Chelsea and her stunning naked body.

His heart was as well. To be fair, she had held that part of him for far longer than his life had been devoted to the treasure-seeking business. How many times had he pondered defying his conscience and going back to ask her forgiveness and carry her away with him forever? All he had now were regrets.

He only hoped that he would be allowed to set things right. But first, he wanted to ensure her safety.

“This way,” he said to the women after parking the rusty truck in a church parking lot, as Tyler had ordered.

Dave placed his hand on the small of Chelsea’s back and led them up a flight of well-worn stone steps on the other side of the property, so Christie could focus on her kid. The stairs descended from the quaint hotels and restaurants near Matera’s city centre into the densely packed community of limestone dwellings that looked to grow out of the huge ravine’s walls.


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