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Billionare's Secret Wife novel Chapter 41

Chapter 40 (BSW)

"Your dad raped my mom and your mom knew about it and they even tried to kill my mom" and next moment I got slapped by her again..

"Lying you are lying" she shouted shaking her head in denial..

I pinned her on the wall clamping her jaw tightly which will surely going to leave marks on her baby soft skin "this is the truth nandini beleive it or not and let me tell you one more thing I will surely kill your mom and dad because that's my main motive"

"Th..en you will find me dead on the next day ahhh" she yelped in pain at last as I pressed her jaw hard her eyes were full of tears still she was trying to be strong..

"I won't let you die wifey.. you are mine and I own you" jerking her I moved back..

"And soon you will see your mom dad dead and that will be the bestest day of my life" saying I laughed hysterically..

"You will regret Neil you will regret everything fucking thing you are doing with me and my mom dad" she said her teary eyes were full of anger..

"Regret? Seriously wifey?

"I will never love you Neil after what you did with me" she spat wiping her tears harshly..

"Aahaa I know but still you are destined to me FOREVER" I said smirking my eyes glued on her tears strained face..


I stepped inside room and found her hiding behind the bed.. Taking a deep breath I walked towards her "no no no don't touch me don't touch me I didn't do anything"

I knelt before her and placed my hand on her head "maa calm down it's me Neil your Neil" I said softly caressing her hair..

She looked up staring at my face "m..y my.. Ne..il? My baby Ne..il" she asked unsure her eyes staring into my face while my heart pained seeing her in this condition..

"Yes your baby Neil now come out" I said softly and she clutched my hand like her life dependent on it and came out..

"He.. he wa..s here he tried to tou..ch me" she blabbered her broken self haunt me.. what the bastard did with my mother?

Controlling myself I cupped her cheeks "no one was there maa I am here to protect you no one will harm you"

I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead "come with me let's wash your face" I took her inside the restroom and help her to wash her face..

"He was there Neil he was there" she was just uttering the same thing..

"It's ok if he come again time then I will beat him okay?" I said and she nodded..

"You will beat him?" She asked blinking her eyes..I nodded in yes "yes I will maa"

I wiped her face with the towel and I took her to her room.."you didn't comb your hair" I asked..

"I was scared" she whispered softly as if telling her deepest darkest secret..

"It's ok no problem I will comb your hair" I said "you sit here" she nodded and sat on the stool..

I stood behind her "will you do my message? My head is aching" she requested softly..

"Sure maa" I passed her a smile and took the oil from side table I started messaging her scalp..

I combed her long hair and did braids..

"I get to know you skipped your lunch" I said and she looked at me her eyes welled up with tears..

"Maa what happen why are you crying now? " I asked softly cupping her cheeks..

"He add..ed poi..son in my fo..od he wants to ki.ll me he even pull my hair he even b.eat me wi.th stick" she cried out while my tears betrayed me and it rolled down from my cheeks..

I hugged her and patted her head softly "it's ok stop crying and tell me what you want to have? We'll have it together even I skipped my lunch" I said breaking the hug and she looked at me pouting while I also pouted making her smile a little..

"How about biryani?" I asked and she licked her lips nodding in yes..

"Ok wait It will be here in few mins" I said "I am coming" I went out of the room and to the kitchen "sir here it is" the butler already served it in a plate..

I went back to the room after taking the plate and washing my hands..


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