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Billionare's Secret Wife novel Chapter 42

Chapter 41 (BSW)

Neil's pov..

I was spreading the jam on bread just then she came out of the bedroom after freshenup and walked towards me.. My eyes travelled on her body she was wearing a tight blue jeans teaming up with black loose shirt dress which end on her mid thigh.. the nuptial chain on her neck was hidden because of the shirt poor she didn't know that the gps tracker was attached to her nupital chain only..

Her dress wasn't at all revealing but still she was looking tempting her hair was opened which was caressing her cheek and she lazily tucked her hair strands behind her ear..

"Sit and have your breakfast I'll be back in few mins" I passed her the jam and bread and glass of orange juice..

"You take care of her and make sure she completed her breakfast" I ordered the maid and went out..

I went to check on maa she already had her breakfast and was sleeping due to her medicine..

Pecking her forehead I went back to my apartment she was still having her breakfast "if you want to go college then complete your breakfast as soon as possible you don't have whole day"

She muttered something which I knew was curses for me and gulped the juice..

She went back to her room and picked her bag which has her college essentials..

"Chalo (let's go) wifey we are getting late" I said staring at my phone..

Sharanya's pov..

As soon as we stepped inside the elevator he pressed me against the wall towering over me before I could react his lips were on mine making my eyes widened..

This asshole urghhh I started hitting him with my hands but soon I was restrained by his large palm while his kiss grew wilder making me feel disgusted for myself because I was freaking aroused..

He broke the kiss and joined our forheads we breathed heavily mingling our breathes just then the door of the elevator got open and he pulled me out..

"I want to show you something" he said and took out his phone..

"See this" my eyes welled up seeing the video it was maa.. she was sitting on the bed looking out at the particular direction her eyes were full of tears..

"You can see wifey she is fine and I am giving her nice treatment she is getting food time by time and she is also staying in comfortable room but if you try to escape then my mans going to beat her and starved her to death" he said casually but those words were enough for me to stop all the plans which I was making in my mind..

"My bodyguards will be there don't you dare to talk with yashvi or anyone your one mistake and then boom I will destroy everything" he said cupping my cheeks..

"You are going to college for study so just do that and come back home" he said combing my hair with his fingers to make it look fine..

"And yes stay away from that boy Piyush" he kissed my forhead and I got inside the car..

"Farhaan and tushar you both are going with Sharanya and Rahul you stay here" he said to the three mans who were standing..

"Okay sir" one man answered nodding his head..


I drove to office as it's been more than 10 days I didn't went there and my so called dad didn't care for anything but I have to handle everything all alone.. well neither Lekha was my mother nor Dipesh was my father.. Dipesh was my uncle my dad's younger brother Harsh was my dad he died in car accident that night mom was also there with him we all thought she died but naah there was another story..

Halting my car outside I stepped in and everyone wished me nodding I started walking while staffs were murmuring to themselves..

"Neil sir and Anusha mam got divorce"

"Two days back Anusha mam announced that they got divorce 6 months before"

I smirked and walked inside my cabin..

Fake Marriage Fake Divorce ughh whatta life I have.. unbuttoning my blazer I sat on my chair leaning my head back.. I picked the telephone and dialled my PA's number "hello yeah send me all the records of last month"

Few hours later..

I was still busy checking the files just then I got a call in landline picking the call I smirked huh "send them in" I said and quickly typed a message sending it to Farhaan and boom..


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