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Billionare's Secret Wife novel Chapter 81

He stepped inside the room to found her laying on the couch using her phone.. "Soyi Nahi tum?(didn't sleep yet?)" he asked and she averted her eyes from the phone screen and looked up at him "Wasn't feeling sleepy" she answered and sat up.."Tell me why we are here?"

"Had your dinner?" He asked ignoring her question.. "I had now tell me why we shifted here"

"Okay good now I am going to freshenup then I will have my dinner" he said.. "Neil I am asking something stop ignoring my questions" she shouted getting up from the couch..

"I don't want to answer your question biwi" Passing her the tight lipped smile he walked inside the room while she sat down on the couch groaning..


Opening the door she walked inside to found him sitting on the bed leaning his back on the bedrest.. "What are you doing here?" He asked amused seeing her in his room..

"What if I say I don't have any answer!!" She snapped and climbed on the bed and to his lap making his eyes widened.. "Woahh my lady are you horny?" He asked making her chuckle as she leaned towards him rewarding him with warm kiss on his neck..

"Damnn Sharanya I think this month your periods affect your brain way to much" he said and she looked at him her palms on the either sides of his neck "Why aren't you enjoying it?" She asked her voice was low yet seductive which made him feel tight down there..


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