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Billionare's Secret Wife novel Chapter 82

Sharanya's pov..

"Whe.re we.re you at evening? Why did we shift here?" I asked as soon as he broke the kiss I was desperate for the answer but he ignored my question and about to kiss me again but I turned my face.. "First answer me" I whispered my fingers traced his stubble jaw..

"There were so many hidden cameras installed in our home so it wasn't safe for us" he answered diving on my neck again.. I squirmed a little as his beards rubbed against my skin.. Concentrate Sharanya!!

"Who installed camera there?" I asked another question and he stared at me frowning "Why are you asking so many questions Sharanya it's our time" our time my foot I soo wanted to punch his handsome face.. okay how about I slammed his face on the wall or the floor or may be on the iron railing..

Wait I would become widow then!!

Huff concentrate Sharanya.. I encircled my right hand around his neck and whispered "Tell me Neil then we'll continue it after" my left hand travelled down to his neck to his abdomen tracing his lower belly just then he held my hand.. "Don't Sha..ranya" His breath turned harsher his eyes darkened with desires I felt my breath hitching at it..

"What gotten inside you Sharanya? Why are you behaving so weird?" He asked ughh just tell me the truth already I was so done behaving like a horny bitch..


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