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Birth of a Beauty novel Chapter 46

After having hard time sleeping, Li Cheng only managed to sleep for few hours. Early in the morning, He woke up and freshened up. Without making his hair, He went straight to eat breakfast.

Li Ri was also in the kitchen that time. She was placing the apple's pieces in the plate. When she brought it to the dining table, She froze looking at Li Cheng.

The plate fell from her hand as the apple spread in the floor. Li Cheng was feeling thirsty. So, He sat down and poured himself a glass of water without even looking at Li Ri's shocked gaze.

Hearing the sound, Li Ruan and Tang Fian came. When they also walked by Li Ri's side and followed her gaze, They had same reaction as Li Ri. Ho..Honey.. Tang Fian voice trembled slightly.

Li Cheng was looking more horrible right now. His hair was messy and frizzy. His eye lids were puffy and dark circles covered it .His lips were dry and cracked.

Before the slight wrinkles in his face didn't matter but now It made him look more aged. He looked totally terrible. The still handsome Li Cheng was nowhere to be found in the recent one.

Li Cheng looked at them lazily. Hm. Tang Fian took a deep breath to courage herself Honey, Go take a shower. And you look..quite..I mean a little tired. So, Get some beauty sleep as well. When the breakfast will be ready, I will bring it for you.

Li Cheng nodded his head and went back to his room. Everybody sighed a relief. ' That was quite horrible.'

But after a while, Li Cheng returned still in his horrible looks.The sudden comeback made them startled.

Tang Fian hurriedly asked Do you want anything, Honey? Li Cheng looked at her expressionlessly Don't send the breakfast. I will eat it here with the family. After saying that, He went straight back to his room.

Tang Fian sighed again. Li Ri came back to her senses when Tang Fian called her out.Li Ri said Mother, Is he really our father?..I mean..

Tang Fian interrupted her Clean the mess. Your father is just tired due to staying all night doing works.


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