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Birth of a Beauty novel Chapter 59

Seeing his beloved wife crying and mentioning of leaving home, he was enraged. But then when he heard that Lin Xueqing might hate their little daughter too, he froze.

" What do you mean? Why would Qingqing not like her own little sister? " He asked with a frown. Wang Shuwa felt the iron was hot so it was correct time to hit it. She pretended like she told something wrong as she covered her mouth then looked at him and muttered softly " It's nothing honey. Forget it like i didn't even say anything."

Her expression showed she was hidding something. Lin Chengwei also noticed it as his brows tightened more. He grabbed Wang Shuwa's hand and asked " Tell what you are hiding? If you are afraid Qingqing will say anything to you thereafter , You have me. I will scold her off."

Wang Shuwa hesitated a lot for a while before nodding her head. She lowered her head as she made up a lie " Few days ago, when you were on a business trip, Qingqing was free at home. The maid was at leave. So i went to buy some groceries. Before going i went to Qingqing's room, and told her to take care of her little sister. She didn't reply, i thought She didn't deny it so her answer was yes..But.."

" But what?" Lin Chengwei asked. Wang Shuwa said in pained voice " But When I returned home, I saw little Chunhua sitting on the floor crying very hard. I rushed to her and asked what happened. She kept crying and trembling in my arms. When I saw her little face, i saw..I saw..red handprint like someone harshly slapped her.*sob*."

Lin Chengwei was shocked. He didn't know any of this. He asked" Why would Qingqing do this?" " Honey, I also don't want to believe it but There was no one at home beside Qingqing and after i saw those marks, I wanted to go to her room, but she came to me instead and said that Chunhua was too noisy and left without a word."

" Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" He asked with dark face. "Honey, I didn't want to ruin your relationship with Qingqing and that time you were busy-" When she was going to continue Lin Chengwei erupted." Don't hide such thing just because i am busy. You are my wife. Chunhua is my own little daughter. If Qingqing did slap her, i will never forgive her."

Lin Chengwei looked at the Black suit man and ordered in cold voice " Tell me where is she?" The Black suit man remained still and spoke in respectful voice " Chairman, I apologize but i can't reveal Boss' whereabouts to you. "

"You.." Lin Chengwei was so angry that his hands were trembling. But he couldn't do anything, they were elite men of Lin Xueqing if he did something to them, the consequences will not be good. He just strode off angrily. Wang Shuwa followed her husband but in the mid way she turned back to look at the Black Suit man.

'How could i forget there was this dog of that B*tch standing still listening to my lie? I am afraid he will spill everything to that girl. But Wait, I don't care if she know about it or not, my target was to trigger anger in Chengwei, i did it. No worries. I will just wait to watch a very good show.' She thought as she evily smirked.


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