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Birth of a Beauty novel Chapter 6

Hearing Su Yumi, Li Seulbi couldn't help but chuckle a little. Su Yumi was confused why she was chuckling suddenly so she was about ask her.

Before Su Yumi could ask anything, Li Seulbi stared straight at her "Yumi, i know that i am feeling sad and you want to comfort me. But those words are quite..exaggerating..I mean..a lot unbelievable for someone like me."

Su yumi watched her granddaughter sweetly complaining at her words. She sighed softly," Seulbi, Give me your hand." Li Seulbi was startled but still gave her hand.

Yumi took her hand and slowly placed in Li Seulbi's left chest before replying "Being beautiful doesn't mean having good face or having good body features.If your heart is pure and good enough then no matter how you look it doesn't matter anymore.."

"..Looks will age and no longer held any importance but your heart, if it is pure and kind it will remain pure and kind for the rest of your life.So, Seulbi, my child, Your heart is good enough to show your beauty.."

Listening to her grandma's words, Li Suelbi lowered her head. A wave of warm feeling occupied her heart but then, suddenly, the images of her friends bullying her, all people side talking about her, kids laughing while looking at her , her step mother and step siblings feeling embarrased walking with her popped up in her mind slowly.

This caused the warm feeling to fade away instantly and made her urge to cry.Su Yumi noticed Li Seulbi's silence for a long time. "Are you alright, Seulbi?!" Su Yumi patted her shoulder while asking her.

The sudden touch made her to return back to her senses. She controlled herself from crying then lifted her head staring at Su Yumi's dark eyes and responded " But, Do you know Yumi..The way you think is vastly different from others..You look at inner beauty but others..looks only at either money or beauty.."

"If someone don't have even one of the two things..they are regarded as useless people or people with no value..I was born like this!!..Is this my fault for being ugly?!...Or Is this in my hands to be beautiful or not?!.."


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