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Birth of a Beauty novel Chapter 61

Everybody froze as they were utterly suprised. The first one to recover was Li Cheng. He hastily took out his phone and looked at the date. Then, he facepalmed himself.

"I am really sorry Mother, I forgot about your birthday." Li Cheng hurriedly apologized. His voice made everyone to return to their senses. 'So, it is this old hag birthday today . Ah, this is so frustating. I lost another opportunity to curry favor with this old hag.' Tang Fian thought as she gritted her teeth.

Li Ri and Li Ruan looked at eachother but didn't say anything as they didn't know what to say. Su Yumi couldn't help but shed tears. She looked at Li Cheng " You don't have to feel sorry, I myself forgot that I had birthday today, but-"

Then she looked at Li Seulbi and said " This Child always remembers it and do anything to suprise me." Li Seulbi smiled as she wiped off the tears of Su Yumi " Grandma, Let's cut the cake."

Li Seulbi lit up the candle then Su Yumi blew it. Everyone sang Happy Birthday song for Su Yumi. As they ate cake, They were stunned as the cake's flavor was so good. It was a chocolate cake. The cake's bread was soft and the cream melts as it enters the mouth.

Even Li Ri and Li Ruan felt their mouth watering after taking one bite and couldn't help but to take another bite. Li Ruan ate the cake happily and looked at Li Seulbi as he asked " Hey Seulbi, Where did you buy this cake? It tastes quite good and different than others."

Li Seulbi raised her brow " Really? Is it that good? It was made by me." Li Ruan didn't hear the last sentence as he indifferently said " Of Course it taste good." Everyone beside Li Ruan looked at Li Seulbi strangely.

When Li Ri who was drinking water heard the cake was made by Li Seulbi, She puked the water over Tang Fian's face. Tang Fian became red in anger instantly. She glared vicsously at Li Ri . Li Ri was scared out of her wits.

Su Yumi grabbed Li Seulbi's hand " Did you really make this cake?" Li Seulbi nodded her head. That moment Li Ruan knew the reason why Li Ri puked water all of a sudden. If he was the one drinking water, he would have done the same thing.

Li Cheng was the one who was the most shocked. He felt something really familiar when he first tasted the cake, turn outs Li Seulbi made the cake herself . His heart felt a sharp pain and he was overwhlemed by a storm of emotion.

A single tear left his left eye as he looked at Li Seulbi. A sudden illusion took place, Instead of Li Seulbi, there sat a very beautiful woman who was busy chatting with Su Yumi. The woman was none other than Li Seulbi's mother, Zhao Seong.

She looked at Li Cheng and offered a piece of cake made by her. She slightly tilted her head as she said in a sweet and loving voice " ChengCheng, Please taste it. It is made by me, without any help. I really hope you will like it. Try it."


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