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Birth of a Beauty novel Chapter 76

Meanwhile in another VIP room;

Shi Yun was lying in bed playing with her phone. Just then, the door was opened followed by an anxious voice " Xiao Yun.."

Shi Yun was about to curse the newcomer for disturbing her peace, until she saw the person's face.

Her eyes widened in shock. " You..Why are you here?" She asked still in shock. "Xiao Yun, that's not important. Tell me, where are you injured? I will find the best doctor for you in the world. Does it hurt?"

The newcomer asked worriedly as he went closer to her and examined her.

Shi Yun began to hit his chest and said angrily "Shi Fengge, How dare you come back without informing me?"

Not only did he not feel a hint of pain, but instead a smile was hanging on his face. He grabbed her hand and hugged her "I missed you so much, my dear sister."

Shi Yun stopped hitting and hugged him back. "I missed you too, Gege."

Just then two people entered the room. They were Shi Zengwang and Jian Meixu.

Jian Meixu rushed towards Shi Yun with a worried look. "Xiao Yun, Are you fine? Do you feel hurt anywhere? Tell mom what happened. If someone dared to injure you on purpose your father will surely punish that person."

Shi Zengwang also sat bedside Shi Yun's bed " Your mother is right. Tell us what actually happened. Though the doctor said that your injury is small and is only a scratch but still you bled and felt hurt. I will not spare the person who intentionally did this."

Shi Yun looked all of them "I am fine. I did felt pain and shock before but it is gone. So, no need for hospital stay, I really hate hospitals. As for what happened..It was an accident.."

".. I just slipped on floor and scratched my hand in door. Nothing special happened. I guess, papa you don't have to investigate it. It was truly an accident."

As she said this, the moments before the incident flashed clearly on her mind. She was in the washroom.

When someone else also entered the washroom and was washing hands.As Shi Yun was going to leave the restroom , She felt something on her back.

Then Suddenly she heard shout from the certain someone who was standing behind her " Spider!! There's spider on your shoulder."

Startled by the sudden shout and her fear for spider, Shi Yun panicked and shrieked in fright.

She hurriedly threw the spider from her shoulder but there was something slippery on the floor which caused her to lose her balance when she stepped on it.


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