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Birth of a Beauty novel Chapter 82


In the busy hallway where lots of students were going to and fro, Lu San was following closely behind Li Seulbi and Xi Mei who were heading out for cafeteria.

Many Girls couldn't help but turn around to glance at Lu San. Some started fan girling and some were even taking his pictures since Lu San's face was something which can make any girl fall in love with him at first sight.

Seeing the ruckus around them, Xi Mei also turned around out of curiosity only to find Lu San behind them. Xi Mei froze as if shocked to see a handsome face popping out of nowhere.

Li Seulbi also stopped in her tracks seeing Xi Mei freeze. Then, someone bumped into her making her jerk a little. She moved her little round head to see a tall handsome boy staring right at her with a warm smile.

*Thump* *Thump*

Her heart was beating way faster than it should making her cheeks flush red seeing his beautiful smile. Her dark black eyes couldn't avert away from his heaven defying looks.

The passing by students also stopped looking at them suprised. Xi Mei who was looking at the duo soon regained her compusore before clearing her throat. Then only Li Seulbi noticed she was staring at Lu San for a long time.

" Sorry, If we are coming in your way." Xi Mei said as she hurriedly signaled Li Seulbi to give way for him. Xi Mei thought that Li Seulbi was blocking him causing him to bump into her.

Getting the hint from Xi Mei, Li Seulbi moved to the side and made a way for Lu San. Previously shocked passerby also began to mind their way after realizing the situation. But a question was struck in their mind which was difficult to voice out.

Why it felt like Lu San was looking at Li Seulbi with loving gaze filled with warmth like seeing love of his life?

But Thinking about Lu San's friendly and kind nature they replaced the loving gaze with friendly gaze. But they weren't aware that a huge surge of feelings were actually hidden in his gaze.

He got a rapid flashback of the time he spent with Li Seulbi be it childhood or recent events as soon as he saw her pure dark eyes. It felt like time had stopped for a moment he could only feel his and her existence.

He soon recovered his senses as soon as Li Seulbi retracted her gaze. Seeing her moving to the side to make a way for him, he sighed softly upon sensing the misunderstanding.

Since there are so many people here, i will meet her directly in the cafeteria. Having this thought, Lu San walked past them straight to the cafeteria.


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