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Bleeding obsession novel Chapter 61

Authors pov

5 years later.


Muffled scream enchoed in the Basement. The pain was unbearable, he was tired of this life and Begging for death from last five years.

Xavier whipped him again, Peter was no more a man he used to be. From Last five years he is captive of Xavier. Xavier tortures him everyday, take out his pain and anger in most brutal way.


Peter's skinny body was hanging to the wall, he was almost dead but Xavier wasn't allowing his soul to leave his body.

"No! I can't allow Lucifer to snatch this satisfaction from me... You will pay for everything here on earth, not in hell..."

Xavier said.

He didn't let him die. He is torturing him everyday since the day of Sarah's funeral. He let Henry go and made him watch how his father is getting abused. Xavier destroyed Henry's Empire too. Now Henry is working in his own company as a cleaner, as he have no abilities and skills to become even a staff. He wasn't smart, he got everything from Peter.

Xavier has made their Life worst than hell.

"We will continue this session tomorrow..."

He threw the whip and walked out.

It was a little relief for him, he was assuring himself by their pain. He has owed that he will destroy each and every person who has ever hurt Sarah. He even killed Linda, his own aunt who disrespected Sarah in the beginning.

He was punishing himself too, the life has became living hell. Whenever he enters his room her voice rings in his mind. Her silhouette appears everywhere but he couldn't catch it. He has started having illusions. She appears in front of him whenever he calls her, they talk for hours.


Xavier has almost gone Insane, he is living in his own world where Sarah still exists. He has no idea that he talk alone like a mad man, there is no one and Sarah is no longer in this world. His mind knows but stupid heart doesn't.

He went back to his room and cleaned his Blood coated body throughoutly, he was going to meet Sarah and she doesn't like blood so he was cleaning himself. He has stopped working and spends his whole day with her. If it's not for Ace then everything would have been destroyed. He would have been on the road. Ace handled everything.


Xavier was not capable to handle things anymore. He loses his temper very easily now a days and kills people. He has also stopped looking himself in the mirror, it makes him hate himself.

He dried his body and wore his clothes not bothering to tame his long hair and long beard. He haven't shaved in these five years. He has grown shoulder length hair and his beard is almost touching his chest.

He hurriedly walked outside, it was warm afternoon. He walked towards Sarah's grave and sat down on the ground beside it.

"I am so sorry baby, I am late..."

He said smiling.

"How are you feeling today?... I know you are going to ask me how was my day and it was good... As usual you don't need know, right?"

He plucked the grass leaning against the grave.

"It's too sunny today... You must be enjoying, huh?... Do you remember how we used to visit beaches. You loved sunbath so much... Looks like it's your day today..."

He sat their talking random things and Ace was watching it by standing away from him.

Ace was loosing hope, he couldn't see Xavier losing his sanity like this. He even hired psychiatric but Xavier kicked him out. 

He tried to make him concentrate on work but Xavier's aggressiveness was not safe for anyone so he gave up the idea.

He couldn't even recognize Xavier anymore, he has changed completely. By looks and by behaviour too. Sarah's dead has made an huge impact on his mental health. The guilt was eating him from inside.

Ace closed his eyes and let the tears fall.

'Why this happened to them... If this is love then I don't want this...'

Ace walked towards him.

"Xavier come on lunch is ready..."

He said and Xavier looked at him.

"Can't you see I am talking to my wife... Don't disturb me. I am not hungry..."

He Scolded.

"Leave us alone..."

This wasn't the first time. It happens daily.

"Come on get up... We have a really important meeting today and your presence is needed. You need to sign the deal... We don't have much time..."

"I don't care, I am not leaving Sarah... I have promised her that I will spend my day with her..."

He replied stubbornly.

Ace sighed annoyingly.

"Come to your fucking senses Xavier... Stop punishing yourself. Sarah is dead, she can't hear you. You can't talk to her. Come back to earth... Have you seen yourself in the mirror, you are unrecognisable. Just stop this already, please..."

He yelled frustratingly.

Xavier stood with Bitter smile.

"You think I don't know...  You think I don't know that I am having illusions, that she is not here. I know I am getting crazy day by day... But this craziness Is giving me happiness. Even if it's imagination but she is with me, she talking to me. I can see her... And I don't want anyone to take this away from me..."

He replied with glossy eyes.

"It's difficult to live, Ace... Every second is feeling like decade..."

He looked defeated.

"I can't do this anymore, please kill me... I want to be free from this torment..."

Ace pulled him in a hug and Xavier break down in tears.

"It's hurting... I want her back, bring her back... Please..."

Ace couldn't stop his tears.

"Let's go... We have a meeting..."

He patted his back.

"Just sit there silently... I'll handle everything..."

He said.

Ace called people to get Xavier ready. They tied his hair In bun and tamed his beard as he refused to shave. All these people where looking around confused. Mansion's each and every corner was filled with Sarah's photos. Xavier haven't left and inch. Walls has Sarah's huge potraits.

Ace drove towards the company but he took Xavier's gun. He wasn't in mood to see bloodbath today.

They entered the room and took their seats. Almost everyone has arrived. Damian and Jack was also there.

Jack looked at Xavier with wide eyes. He was seeing him after five years.


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