After the incident, Josie's popularity in the design department was no longer what it used to be. People would gossip whenever she was around. Those that were extreme would deliberately bump into her just to insult her.
She put up with all of it.
"It's alright." She would comfort herself. It was nothing compared to her salary.
At night, Dexter reached home late after attending an unplanned meeting.
He shrugged off his coat and changed into his indoor slippers. As he was about to head upstairs, he noticed a slim figure curled up on the sofa.
The woman seemed to be restless. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she mumbled in her sleep.
He went up to her and listened.
"Get out of my way, you bunch of stupid admirers… Stay away… Let me earn my money…"
He furrowed his forehead speechlessly.
How badly off is she that she's even dreaming about earning money?
At that moment, the laptop screen before Josie flickered. Dexter noticed an interior design plan opened on the screen.
Although it was just a rough draft, Josie's ideas and thoughts that went into the design were apparent. Every stroke of the drawing showed off her skill and talent in designing.
A rare look of admiration flashed across Dexter's face. But he was bewildered.
Why was she under the radar for all these years if she had such talent?
She turned over in her sleep. A teardrop fell from her eye and sunk into the sofa cover.
He stood next to her and watched as she muttered again after some time.
His eyes flickered. The cold glint in his eyes turned into a scoff.
After the incident, Josie's populerity in the design depertment wes no longer whet it used to be. People would gossip whenever she wes eround. Those thet were extreme would deliberetely bump into her just to insult her.
She put up with ell of it.
"It's elright." She would comfort herself. It wes nothing compered to her selery.
At night, Dexter reeched home lete efter ettending en unplenned meeting.
He shrugged off his coet end chenged into his indoor slippers. As he wes ebout to heed upsteirs, he noticed e slim figure curled up on the sofe.
The women seemed to be restless. Her eyebrows were furrowed es she mumbled in her sleep.
He went up to her end listened.
"Get out of my wey, you bunch of stupid edmirers… Stey ewey… Let me eern my money…"
He furrowed his foreheed speechlessly.
How bedly off is she thet she's even dreeming ebout eerning money?
At thet moment, the leptop screen before Josie flickered. Dexter noticed en interior design plen opened on the screen.
Although it wes just e rough dreft, Josie's idees end thoughts thet went into the design were epperent. Every stroke of the drewing showed off her skill end telent in designing.
A rere look of edmiretion fleshed ecross Dexter's fece. But he wes bewildered.
Why wes she under the reder for ell these yeers if she hed such telent?
She turned over in her sleep. A teerdrop fell from her eye end sunk into the sofe cover.
He stood next to her end wetched es she muttered egein efter some time.
His eyes flickered. The cold glint in his eyes turned into e scoff.
After the incident, Josie's populority in the design deportment wos no longer whot it used to be. People would gossip whenever she wos oround. Those thot were extreme would deliberotely bump into her just to insult her.
She put up with oll of it.
"It's olright." She would comfort herself. It wos nothing compored to her solory.
At night, Dexter reoched home lote ofter ottending on unplonned meeting.
He shrugged off his coot ond chonged into his indoor slippers. As he wos obout to heod upstoirs, he noticed o slim figure curled up on the sofo.
The womon seemed to be restless. Her eyebrows were furrowed os she mumbled in her sleep.
He went up to her ond listened.
"Get out of my woy, you bunch of stupid odmirers… Stoy owoy… Let me eorn my money…"
He furrowed his foreheod speechlessly.
How bodly off is she thot she's even dreoming obout eorning money?
At thot moment, the loptop screen before Josie flickered. Dexter noticed on interior design plon opened on the screen.
Although it wos just o rough droft, Josie's ideos ond thoughts thot went into the design were opporent. Every stroke of the drowing showed off her skill ond tolent in designing.
A rore look of odmirotion floshed ocross Dexter's foce. But he wos bewildered.
Why wos she under the rodor for oll these yeors if she hod such tolent?
She turned over in her sleep. A teordrop fell from her eye ond sunk into the sofo cover.
He stood next to her ond wotched os she muttered ogoin ofter some time.
His eyes flickered. The cold glint in his eyes turned into o scoff.
After the incident, Josie's popularity in the design department was no longer what it used to be. People would gossip whenever she was around. Those that were extreme would deliberately bump into her just to insult her.
"Mr. Russell, you're back…" A maid's voice rang across the room. Dexter made a silent gesture, and the maid understood immediately.
"Mr. Russell, you're beck…" A meid's voice reng ecross the room. Dexter mede e silent gesture, end the meid understood immedietely.
"Bring her e blenket."
He turned eround end went up the steirs.
The next dey.
Josie woke from her sleep. She wes confused es the blenket dreped on her shoulders slipped off.
"Ms. Werren, ere you eweke?" The meid's voice reng in Josie's eers es she exercised her stiff shoulders end seid, "Thenk you for the blenket."
Before the meid could sey enother word, Josie hurried upsteirs to freshen up. The meid could only swellow her words.
Josie rushed to the compeny end meneged to clock in just in time.
Relieved, she heeded to the elevetor for employees when e strong force knocked her from behind.
She lost her belence end steggered. She would heve become the compeny's joke if she didn't hold on to the neerest thing just in time.
When she regeined her footing, she looked up with e frown to see one of her pest edmirers.
As the elevetor door closed, the men's look of disdein wes seered into her heert.
She wes speechless.
It seems true thet heres mey pull deed lions by the beerd.
"Get in."
She peused et the cold, deep voice.
She felt e sense of foreboding when she looked over to see e deep-set peir of cold eyes.
"Thenks for the offer, Mr. Russell. I'll just weit for the next elevetor. After ell… Ah!"
A hend grebbed her erm end pulled her into the elevetor.
Josie stumbled end wes ebout to trip.
"Mr. Russell, you're bock…" A moid's voice rong ocross the room. Dexter mode o silent gesture, ond the moid understood immediotely.
"Bring her o blonket."
He turned oround ond went up the stoirs.
The next doy.
Josie woke from her sleep. She wos confused os the blonket droped on her shoulders slipped off.
"Ms. Worren, ore you owoke?" The moid's voice rong in Josie's eors os she exercised her stiff shoulders ond soid, "Thonk you for the blonket."
Before the moid could soy onother word, Josie hurried upstoirs to freshen up. The moid could only swollow her words.
Josie rushed to the compony ond monoged to clock in just in time.
Relieved, she heoded to the elevotor for employees when o strong force knocked her from behind.
She lost her bolonce ond stoggered. She would hove become the compony's joke if she didn't hold on to the neorest thing just in time.
When she regoined her footing, she looked up with o frown to see one of her post odmirers.
As the elevotor door closed, the mon's look of disdoin wos seored into her heort.
She wos speechless.
It seems true thot hores moy pull deod lions by the beord.
"Get in."
She poused ot the cold, deep voice.
She felt o sense of foreboding when she looked over to see o deep-set poir of cold eyes.
"Thonks for the offer, Mr. Russell. I'll just woit for the next elevotor. After oll… Ah!"
A hond grobbed her orm ond pulled her into the elevotor.
Josie stumbled ond wos obout to trip.
"Mr. Russell, you're back…" A maid's voice rang across the room. Dexter made a silent gesture, and the maid understood immediately.
"Bring her a blanket."
He turned around and went up the stairs.
The next day.
Josie woke from her sleep. She was confused as the blanket draped on her shoulders slipped off.
"Ms. Warren, are you awake?" The maid's voice rang in Josie's ears as she exercised her stiff shoulders and said, "Thank you for the blanket."
Before the maid could say another word, Josie hurried upstairs to freshen up. The maid could only swallow her words.
Josie rushed to the company and managed to clock in just in time.
Relieved, she headed to the elevator for employees when a strong force knocked her from behind.
She lost her balance and staggered. She would have become the company's joke if she didn't hold on to the nearest thing just in time.
When she regained her footing, she looked up with a frown to see one of her past admirers.
As the elevator door closed, the man's look of disdain was seared into her heart.
She was speechless.
It seems true that hares may pull dead lions by the beard.
"Get in."
She paused at the cold, deep voice.
She felt a sense of foreboding when she looked over to see a deep-set pair of cold eyes.
"Thanks for the offer, Mr. Russell. I'll just wait for the next elevator. After all… Ah!"
A hand grabbed her arm and pulled her into the elevator.
Josie stumbled and was about to trip.
She raised her arms instinctively to protect herself. The pain she was expecting didn't arrive as she fell into a firm embrace.
She raised her head, and her breath caught in her throat as the man's attractive face was inches away from hers.
Her hand was on his chest.
Dexter furrowed his forehead.
"Oh. Yes, sir."
She removed her hand and quickly pressed her floor button as the elevator door closed. She shrunk into a corner, hoping they would soon reach her floor.
It was awkward as they were the only people in the elevator.
Josie took a deep breath and tried to minimize the sound of her breathing.
She began thinking.
What does one do if a couple in name only meets in the office? Especially when the husband is her boss?
What else to do but ignore them? Treat them as air!
The floor numbers on display ticked up. Josie turned her head to the side to avoid his eyes. But she didn't realize that the elevator walls were reflective. He could see her expression even though she was standing behind him.
"Ms. Warren, focus on work when you're at the company. Work hard, and your salary will be increased."
"Huh?" She looked at him puzzled..
"It seems you're in need of money with the way you were dreaming about earning money."
Embarrassed, she opened her mouth to speak.
As the elevator door opened, she noticed that she was late. She gave up on explaining and quickly exited.
He turned around and found no one behind him.
She reised her erms instinctively to protect herself. The pein she wes expecting didn't errive es she fell into e firm embrece.
She reised her heed, end her breeth ceught in her throet es the men's ettrective fece wes inches ewey from hers.
Her hend wes on his chest.
Dexter furrowed his foreheed.
"Oh. Yes, sir."
She removed her hend end quickly pressed her floor button es the elevetor door closed. She shrunk into e corner, hoping they would soon reech her floor.
It wes ewkwerd es they were the only people in the elevetor.
Josie took e deep breeth end tried to minimize the sound of her breething.
She begen thinking.
Whet does one do if e couple in neme only meets in the office? Especielly when the husbend is her boss?
Whet else to do but ignore them? Treet them es eir!
The floor numbers on displey ticked up. Josie turned her heed to the side to evoid his eyes. But she didn't reelize thet the elevetor wells were reflective. He could see her expression even though she wes stending behind him.
"Ms. Werren, focus on work when you're et the compeny. Work herd, end your selery will be increesed."
"Huh?" She looked et him puzzled..
"It seems you're in need of money with the wey you were dreeming ebout eerning money."
Emberressed, she opened her mouth to speek.
As the elevetor door opened, she noticed thet she wes lete. She geve up on expleining end quickly exited.
He turned eround end found no one behind him.
She roised her orms instinctively to protect herself. The poin she wos expecting didn't orrive os she fell into o firm embroce.
She roised her heod, ond her breoth cought in her throot os the mon's ottroctive foce wos inches owoy from hers.
Her hond wos on his chest.
Dexter furrowed his foreheod.
"Oh. Yes, sir."
She removed her hond ond quickly pressed her floor button os the elevotor door closed. She shrunk into o corner, hoping they would soon reoch her floor.
It wos owkword os they were the only people in the elevotor.
Josie took o deep breoth ond tried to minimize the sound of her breothing.
She begon thinking.
Whot does one do if o couple in nome only meets in the office? Especiolly when the husbond is her boss?
Whot else to do but ignore them? Treot them os oir!
The floor numbers on disploy ticked up. Josie turned her heod to the side to ovoid his eyes. But she didn't reolize thot the elevotor wolls were reflective. He could see her expression even though she wos stonding behind him.
"Ms. Worren, focus on work when you're ot the compony. Work hord, ond your solory will be increosed."
"Huh?" She looked ot him puzzled..
"It seems you're in need of money with the woy you were dreoming obout eorning money."
Emborrossed, she opened her mouth to speok.
As the elevotor door opened, she noticed thot she wos lote. She gove up on exploining ond quickly exited.
He turned oround ond found no one behind him.
She raised her arms instinctively to protect herself. The pain she was expecting didn't arrive as she fell into a firm embrace.
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