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Bride behind the mask novel (Marguerite) novel Chapter 368

Chapter 368 

Even the most obtuse person ought to realize, Teresa was being threatened, and the one threatening her was Yuna! 

Jocelyn put down her fork and knife, swiftly moved to Teresa, scooping her up in her arms, saying with concern, “It’s okay, stop eating. How can you eat food that fell on the ground?” 

Teresa, teary-eyed, looked at Yuna again, then turned away with the fear of a cornered animal.. 

Frederick was stunned, struggling to control the inner fury that threatened to explode. He asked Yuna in a tone laced with anger, “Did you threaten her?” 

Yuna was both confused and shocked. Catching a glimpse of Teresa out of the corner of her eye, she saw the little girl grinning at her! 

Damn it! She was being played by a three-year-old! 

Yuna was about to spin a tale, but Teresa beat her to it, “No, she didn’t threaten me! She is very nice, she… she just… just…” 

Jocelyn gently rubbed the little one’s arm, asking softly, “Just what?” 

“Just… just…” Teresa was so nervous she was practically babbling. Finally, she buried her face in Jocelyn’s neck, sobbing helplessly. 

“And you say you didn’t threaten her!” Frederick was livid! 

His eyes held a bloodthirsty glint, the aura of a man ready to kill. 

“Freddie, it’s not what you think! This girl is putting on an act! Don’t believe her!” 

As soon as Yuna spoke, Teresa cried even harder. 

Frederick slammed his silverware on the table, got up and strode towards Teresa. 

“Teresa, come here.” Frederick promptly took Teresa from Jocelyn’s arms, “Don’t be afraid. If you have something to say, let’s talk in the study.” 

With Teresa in his arms, he turned and left, leaving a commanding and upright silhouette. 

In the study, Teresa’s tears had dried up, and she was now whimpering. 

She was gasping for breath, Frederick was rubbing her chest, “Breathe. Are you alright now?” 

Teresa sniffled, her voice heavy with sobs, “I’m better.” 

Seeing the little one calm down, Frederick moved Teresa to sit on his lap, “Can you tell me now, what happened?” 

Teresa remained silent, her head hanging low, looking like she wanted to say something but was too scared. 

“Was Yuna threatening you?” 

Teresa nodded subconsciously, but as if remembering something, she quickly shook her head. 

“Don’t worry, I will protect you. No one is going to bully you.” Frederick comforted her. 

Teresa’s eyes were red and swollen from crying, but at hearing these words, she looked up at him, “Can you really protect me?” 


Teresa opened her mouth, paused for a moment before changing the topic, “You couldn’t even protect Hayes, how are you going to protect me?” 

Frederick was quick to catch the hint in Teresa’s words. Why bring up Hayes? 

“Does this have something to do with Hayes?” 

Teresa looked pitiful and didn’t immediately answer Frederick, instead, she said, 


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