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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 48


I had just entered Taylor’s bedroom , the creams and browns of the décor and walls made the room look warm and welcoming . I saw him laying on his bed staring at the ceiling .

” Hey . We missed you at training . ” I said softly , walking over to his bed . He sat up slowly and I hugged him tightly . ” I’m not feeling up to training . ” He muttered , laying down again and grabbing a square cushion , hugging it to his chest as he sighed deeply . ” I know , but you can’t stay cooped up .

” I said , stroking his hand . Our eyes met , and the pain in his tugged at my heart .

” I’m sorry . ” I whispered . He gave me a pointed look . ” Really Raven , you need to stop with the self – blaming . I’m glad I know what a … jerk Zack’s been . As for Anna , I don’t know what the hell to do .

” He groaned in frustration . So that was his dilemma , but right now I didn’t trust myself to give him any advice . ” I don’t even know what to do with my life , so I really can’t advise you . ” I said with a gloomy pout . ” ” Will you talk to Zack ? ” ” Sooner or later . ” He muttered , turning o n his side and hugging the cushion tightly . get update on m.techkaushal.com

” Good , life’s short . ” I murmured , thinking with each passing day , Liam’s time was running out . ” Yeah . I know I’ll forgive him sooner or later , he did that when he was a stupid eighteen – year – old , and we both know that crap happens .

” Taylor said . ” Tell me about it , I’ve been a dumb eighteen – year – old , ” I mumbled , tugging a t the hem of my dress . ” But I’m glad you are going to work on it . ” 11 ” Yeah … When I’m ready , right now …. I’m pissed . ” Taylor said , sounding adorably cute . those people who Taylor was just one couldn’t stay mad at anyone for long .

” And you should be . ” I said , giving him a small smile . ” What about you ? What’s happening ? I know people at the packhouse are being assholes . ” Taylor said sympathetically . ” So , you’ve heard , huh ? ” I said , making folds in my dress . Taylor reached over and gave my arm a squeeze . ” Hey … I’m here if you want to talk about i t .

I don’t know why you aren’t telling people , but he’s your mate , isn’t he ? ” I gave him a small smile . How do I tell him I didn’t know what to do ? How the fact that I have two mates was hard ? {get update on m.techkaushal.com} How do I explain that I didn’t know how to balance this when both my mates were so different , our relationships were so different ?

I just felt like I was lost in the middle of conflict with everyone giving m e different advice . I felt guilty for favouring Liam . How I forgot Damon when I was with Liam . Yet when I was with Damon , I felt guilty towards Liam .

Then there was Damon telling me to make it work with Liam first , then Aunty Red saying to be equal or decide what I wanted . Not to mention Al’s ultimatum that this would not work and I would have to pick one .

I really wanted to go bang my head against a wall . ” I know you are …. I just don’t even know what I need to do . Anyway , I’m glad you’re ok . Do you want me to come over tonight ?

We can binge watch some comedy movies or whatever you want and get some takeout ? ” I suggested . His face lit up with a beautiful smile and h e nodded . ” I’d like that . ” ” Then it’s a date ! ” I said , getting up . I hadn’t really told Taylor the full deal between Liam , Damon and me but I think tonight I will . ” Anything new with your dad ?

” Taylor asked , his smile vanishing . I looked at him and shook my head , wondering did people realised something happened after Damon took him away ?

” No. I haven’t spoken to him . ” I murmured , looking at the picture of Cher o n his wall . ” Yeah … Well , whenever you’re ready . ” He said sympathetically .

I nodded , thinking I was ready now . ” Well , I’m going to go face the music . ” I said , giving him a wave . He followed me out of his room and down the steps , I could see his mum was mixing something in the kitchen through the open archway . ” Bye Mama Dee ! ” ” Bye , Raven !

” She called back . I smiled at Taylor before I walked across the garden and jumped over the fence . Taylor watched me , giving me a final thumbs – up before closing the door when I did the doorbell of my parents ‘ house . A place that used to fill me with dread when I had to return here at the end of a long day .

The door opened and Mom stood there ; to my surprise she looked a mess , her eyes were puffy and her hair had not been combed .

” So , you finally show your face ? ” She said to me bitterly . I frowned , stepping inside and shutting the door behind me . ” After Dad kicked me out , did you expect me to just come back ? ” I asked .

She shook her head , turning away and clutching the wall as if she had no energy . I sighed , tugging at the skirt of my dress again . ” Look , I haven’t come to argue . Where’s Dad ? There’s a few things I need to talk about with both of you .


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