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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 49


I felt so angry , I hated that I didn’t even know about Renji , and now the fact that Dad had been thrown into the cells ! Both Damon and Liam had a chance to tell me but they hadn’t . I wanted to talk to Dad , tell him how he makes me feel and end it , but did I really want to go and see him in prison ?

I couldn’t let this drag on , I wanted to get i t over with , I guess I had no other choice . I made my way to the Blood Moon headquarters and waited for the security team to let me in . ” Do you have a pass ? ” Ben asked . He was part of the security but I knew him from around . ” No , I’m only here to speak to my father . You can escort me down .

” I said curtly . ” I’m not sure if he’s allowed visitors … ” H e replied hesitantly . My eyes flashed and I glared at him coldly . ” I can speak to my father . He’s here because of me . Please Ben . ” I could tell he was struggling .

” I … Fine , as head warrior , I’m sure it should be ok . But I will escort you there and I will remain with you for the duration of your meeting , keep it short . ” I nodded and let him lead the way down towards the cells .

I had only been here once or twice before and that was a long time ago . We had gotten in trouble , but a lot was different now , even the cells had changed a lot compared to how they had been back then . We walked past the cells that contained small beds , and I realised that the further we got , the emptier , darker and colder the cells became .

My heart skipped a beat as w e went down a few steps to the lower cells . Cells that were like those from a movie from long ago ; creepy , dirty and dark . ” Go . I will wait here .

I’m not able to mind link the Alpha and I do hope this isn’t breaking protocol . ” He muttered . ” I won’t be long . ” I said , walking forward . Dad’s scent hit my nose and I headed down towards the bottom , stopping when I caught sight of him . He was sitting against the far wall in the corner o leaning f a cell . ” Have you come to have a laugh ?

” Dad spat , turning his head towards me . Dry blood and dirt covered his face , his clothes weren’t much different . I could I see they were the same ones he had on when Damon dragged him away from me .

” No. ” I said quietly . ” I came to talk to you . 11 ” I am not interested in talking to you . Leave . ” He said resentfully but he also sounded tired . ” You don’t need to reply , I’m here to speak and all I want is for you to listen .

I’m always the one listening , the one trying to be ok . I’m done with staying quiet , I’m done with pretending that it’s o k because it really isn’t . I have never been scared of you , but for the sake of not arguing , I would stay quiet . I’m twenty one now , I can’t go on like this . ” I said , m y voice breaking with frustration and sadness .

I hated life right now , but I was going to move forward . I am totally done with staying quiet . Taking a deep breath , I continued . ” All I wanted growing up was to be accepted , to be told that you are proud of me , but I never got that from you or Mom .

Even when you would throw something at me in anger or push me around …. I told myself you were just upset because I was too loud and annoying . But you know , Dad , it hurt , it really hurt not knowing what I was doing wrong .

All my life , I pretended I’m ok , I always placed this big smile on my face and carried on hoping things changed , but even then , nothing became better . I know you wish Renji was the one alive , and I wish he was too …

Maybe then you could all have been happy . If I had the choice , I would be ok with being the one who died if it meant-

” DON’T ACT LIKE YOU FUCKING CARE ! DON’T EVEN UTTER HIS NAME ! GET OUT ! ” Dad growled . In a flash , he was in front o f the bars , rattling them hard with one hand , not caring for the silver that burned his skin .


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