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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 71

I had just opened the kitchen window when the sound of a vicious growl ripped through the air , making my heart thunder , seeing the flock of birds erupt from the trees and the unease that seemed to swirl around me .

It took me a split second to recognise the voice that was barely recognisable .

Liam .

That was Liam ! I rushed out of the house , telling the guards to watch Azura and Monica as I raced in the direction of the commotion , faltering when the sound of Raven’s scream pierced the air .


Goddess no ! What has he done ?! ” Elijah , it’s Liam and Raven ! ‘ I called through the link to Elijah .

‘ I’m on my way .

‘ His soothing voice came despite the worry that was consuming me .

‘ Raven ! Liam ?! ‘

Nothing .

I was hitting a wall .

Fuck ! The wind was rushing through my hair as I broke through the trees , the smell of blood seeping into my nose .

The sheer blanket of something dark and evil that hung in the air made my blood run cold .

I took in the horrifying scene before me , Damon was holding Raven , who was bleeding profusely , her heart beating far too fast as she choked on the blood that was pouring out of her neck and mouth .

She was grasping at her neck , blood running down her fingers , making my stomach churn sickeningly .

Worry and fear for her whirled around me , my heart beating fast .

My eyes snapped to Liam , who was advancing on Damon as he was placing Raven down .

That darkness … It was him , it was coming from him .

His normal aura was completely gone … Replaced by this horrible , sinister darkness … ” HOW COULD YOU ?! ” Damon shouted , sounding angrier than I had ever heard him .

He blocked Liam , who had just lunged at him , his canines out and anger clear on his face .

Damon jumped to his feet , meeting him mid – strike .

It was clear both were ready to rip each other to pieces , I was about to intervene when Damon’s next words made me freeze .

” YOU MARKED HER ! ” Reality came crashing down on me as the realisation settled in ..

Her neck … Her neck ….

Fear washed over me like a bucket of ice cold knives , piercing into every inch of my body .

Marked .

Fuck ….

Memories from long ago flashed to the forefront of my mind , the pain with them making it hard to breathe .

History cannot repeat itself .

” No … NO ! ” I cried , staring at the blond male before me … His blond hair was matted with blood … So similar to his …

I walked towards them , willing every fibre of my shaking body to move .

Just as Elijah ran past me , a menacing growl ripped from his lips .

In a flash , he was next to the two boys who were tearing into each other , ready to kill one another .

Elijah slammed Liam to the floor , pinning him down , only for Liam to flip them as both men growled with all they had .

The surge of their Alpha power and that darkness enveloped the area like a blanket , their growls making it feel like the ground was vibrating at the intensity o f the sound .

Raven’s whimper made me come out of m y thoughts and I rushed closer , not even realising I was trembling excessively .

She needs a doctor !

But before I could even reach her , Damon got there first , tears in his eyes as he scooped her up as if she was the most fragile thing on the planet .

She was … Fuck Liam had done this … Guilt and anguish enveloped me as our eyes met for a second .

I had failed them … Failed He turned , rushing from the scene , his only wish clear … To save his mate … Suddenly , I felt something snap inside of me and my mind seemed to become clear .

This was not Zidane … My eyes blazed as I spun around just as I felt a searing pain through the bond and turned to see Liam had ripped through Elijah’s side , clearly winning this battle .

No one hurts my mate .

I growled menacingly , rushing over in a flash and ripping Liam off Elijah .

I pushed him to the ground , staring into those frightening black pits of the man before m e .

This was not my son … He had let his jealousy and anger fuel the darkness … Let it take over him completely .

” LIAM ! ” I growled , striking him across the face , letting my claws dig into his face .

He hissed , attacking back , but I didn’t care .

” Liam , what are you doing ?!

” I shouted as my back hit the ground , growling as 1 flipped us over , pinning him to the ground .

Nothing but blood , pain and agony .

It was all I could see , smell , and feel .

My only thoughts were that I did not raise a monster …

I did not raise a monster … 1 did not raise a monster ….

” Scarlett ! ” Elijah’s voice came , and I felt myself being pulled away .

I gasped coming to , my heart was thundering as I stared at Liam who lay on the ground breathing heavily , his eyes now his usual cerulean blue .

A bloody mess , I had wounded him badly .

I could see the wounds that I had made weren’t healing … They wouldn’t , because of my ability to slow down the healing of any wound I inflict upon anyone … ” He’s back … Calm down .

” Elijah murmured , rubbing my arms as he buried his face in my neck .

” He marked her ! He marked her against her will ! ” I screamed , pulling out of Elijah’s hold .

How dare he ?! Did he think this was ok ?! Yes , he was cursed , but … He had let his own emotions fuel that darkness …

He had let the curse take over … Tears blurred my eyes and I didn’t even realise I was crying until now , the pain ripping me to pieces .

My son , my son had done this … The pain o f the entire fucking situation hurt .

Zidane’s blood would forever run through my veins … in the veins of my children … H e was gone , but his shadow hadn’t .

” F Elijah held my arms tightly , staring down into my eyes with sadness in his blue ones .


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