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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 72

I smiled , staring at the old , stained passport – sized photograph in my hand .

The smell of disinfectant was strong in the air , nice and clean .

” I did it .

I have hurt them .

She won’t survive now … I rocked back and forth , my grip on the photograph tight .

” Everything has been destroyed … I’ll avenge you … I’ll make you proud … and I’ll make him fall in love with me …

He will be mine … all mine … all mine … ” ” My breathing became ragged as the excitement within me grew .

” And as for her … I’ll make sure I add her t HE o my collection … I was almost there … Soon , soon he’ll notice that I am the one he needs .

Soon ! ” Are you proud of me ? Are you watching me ? ” I whispered heavily ; my breathing

ragged as I stared at the picture , unblinking .

” Yes , you are , you are … You have to be proud ! I will get revenge for you ….

For our family … For everything … But it’s ok if I take him for myself … right ? You won’t be angry with me , will you ?

” No … No , you won’t .

Because I will make you happy too … I stroked my finger down the photo , smiling .

Oh … yes … He will be all mine … Mine … Mine … I can taste it .

That vengeance , that darkness in the air …

The fear … Everyone is scared now … Scared of who would be next … But they won’t know , they’ll never know , because I will kill them when they least expect it … But I had my next targets already decided They’ll never see me coming …

No one ever does … And now that the Alpha has committed a crime … Oh , this pack will be destroyed , from the inside ! Yes , from the inside ! Now …

Who shall we kill next ? I hid the photograph away , sliding it between the gap between the wall and the skirting board , and stood t up .

I had two options ; I didn’t like either of them , and since Monica was kept far too safe , then I’ll settle for either of these ….

I smiled as I tapped my chin , him or her ?

Which one … Eenie Meenie miney ” Wait ! Of course … It has to be him ! Oh my … him and then his mate ! Why didn’t I do this sooner ! Oh my , please don’t be angry at me .

I will avenge you … I will … I will ! My eyes darted around my bedroom , I needed to clean it up once more … I didn’t want any clues to be left behind …

Grabbing the cloth and the disinfectant spray , I stared at the clean boards … They were clean , but I couldn’t help but see the non – existent bloodstains .

It’s always good to be safe … Always ….

I dropped to my knees , brushing my hair the floor .

back as I began to hum softly , cleaning ” Scrub , scrub , scrub … ” DAMON Watching the doctors shouting … being told that Kiara was on her way ….

The sound of Raven’s heart rate picking up and dropping … Zack and Taylor trying to hold me back … Someone trying to check me ….

I couldn’t leave her ! But the doctors didn’t want me there , I hated it ! I should have been protecting her … I should have been fucking faster … A blast of powerful magic and a rush of wind filled the hall , making every paper o n the wall move .

All three of us raised our arms , shielding our faces from the whipping wind when two women appeared before me .

My eyes widened in shock as I stared at them .

Kia ? I looked at the other woman .

Her head was pure white , her eyes blazing red , and something about her told me she was more than a human , involuntarily noticing her beauty .

I frowned , snapping my gaze to Kiara who didn’t even notice m e as she pushed open the hospital door rushing into the room .

The woman before me blinked and her eyes changed to a startling blue , she looked ‘ normal ‘ again .

I knew who this was , I had heard of her ; Delsanra , Rayhan’s Mate , and the Luna of the Black Storm Pack .

She gave me a small nod before running into the room .

I got up , feeling relief flood me , Kiara could heal her .

Raven will be ok ! I went to the door , seeing Kiara’s purple glow already surrounding her and Raven’s heartbeat becoming steady .

” If we can take some skin , we can graft it before I heal her completely … Otherwise , it’s going to leave a mark .

” Kiara’s broken voice came .

” I’ll do that with magic , doctor what section ? ” ” Ah … here … ” Doctor Smith said , pointing at a section of her leg .

” Quick ! ” Kiara said , her voice filled with urgency .

Delsanra nodded , placing her hand above Raven’s leg whispering a spell as the doctors and nurses all moved back , clearly uncomfortable with the magic being used .

I wrinkled my nose , flinching as a square o f skin was removed from Raven’s leg , leaving a horrible red patch behind and floating towards Raven’s neck .

” Perfect ! ” Kiara said , moving her hand back as Delsanra placed the graft with her magic over Raven’s neck .

Kiara placed her hand on her neck , I saw both hers and Delsanra’s auras merge as they wrapped around Raven’s neck .

My heart was thundering as I walked over to them , not wanting to get in the way , but I needed to be close to her … She needed someone … ” She’s going to be ok … ” Kiara said , quietly looking at me .

I nodded , unable to speak as I walked around on the other side .

Delsanra finally stopped whispering her spell and nodded a s Kiara too removed her hand ..

All three of us , the doctors and nurses , stared at Raven’s neck , and I felt relief flood me .

” It’s perfect .

” Delsanra said , smiling with approval .

” It’s … she’s marked ? ” Kiara said , shocked , her eyes going to me .

I clenched my jaw , looking down at the mark .

A crescent moon with a rose in front of it … beautiful … Yet the horror of how she got it would forever remain , a memory that would always be traumatic and painful .

Marked by a monster …

There was no Liam at that moment , there had just been this his anger , hatred and jealousy … ” It’s not yours .

” Kiara said softly .


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