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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 73

I didn’t know what to say … Dante’s birth was the catalyst for Liam’s darkness ? Goddess , I felt devastated for my brother .

We had come to find Mom and Dad , but only Mom was there .

Dad was now the Alpha of the pack again , Mom had filled u s in on everything :

The curse , the card , Liam , the killer , and the truth about Raven’s past .

Alejandro had called to ask if everything was ok and if he was needed , but I told him we were ok , right now there was nothing more we could do .

” How could you not tell me ! Raven lost her mom and she wasn’t allowed to tell m e ? She … How are we making a change if she’s still being told to keep things on the low ? ” I ran my fingers through my hair trying to stay calm , for Mom , I could tell she was distraught .

Liam had marked Raven and that triggered Mom’s own trauma of what her biological father had done to her …

Raven … Seeing the state she had been in … It broke my heart , and worse , my brother had done it .

Seeing her small figure just lying there … It broke me , I wished I could take away more than her physical pain .

As for the card that Liam pulled , I remembered it too …

I just couldn’t believe they didn’t tell me anything , Raven , too .

I felt like a bad friend for not picking up o n , it but she never shared anything with m e , ever .

Her dad was abusive ….

I remember how she used to joke about stuff often …

‘ Dad would throw a slipper at me if I did that … Dad is going to really kill me if I’m not home … I really don’t want to go home ‘ When she used to say it , I would put it down to her wanting to be a little rebellious … I never realised there was more to it .

In I stared at the ground , my mind spinning .

I’m a bad friend , to Raven , to Damon , and an awful sister to Liam ….

” I’ll try to see if I can find anything on the curse .

Maybe I can try finding some answers .

” Delsanra said , frowning slightly .

I nodded .

” Thanks .

” I replied appreciatively before turning to Mom .

” What about the killer ? ” ” Still uncaught , we have a few clues and have ruled out at least a third of the pack .

” Mom replied .

” Delsanra , is there anything that you can find out ? ” I asked .

” Do you have anything that belongs to the killer ? ” She said turning to Mom .

Mom shook her head .

” They leave nothing behind .

” She said , her eyes looked blank , I knew the entire situation with Raven and Liam was taking its toll upon her .

” Then unless I probe every mind of everyone in this pack , I don’t think I can .

” Delsanra said regretfully .

” Yes , and similar to the Alpha command , we don’t want that .

There’s already a lot o f tension and doubt going through the pack .

Now with Liam losing control , things will be even harder …

People will feel even more worried , doubt and fear from the inside can cause more damage .

” hair .

Mom said running her hand through her Yeah , we knew that … I exchanged looks with Delsanra .

” I understand .

Maybe I can take a look at the bodies , see if there’s anything I can do .

” Sure , how long are you two here for ? You’ve left the kids as well Kia .

” Mom asked , now looking up .

” The men know we might be a day .

” I replied with a small smile .

” I think they’ll do perfectly well together , Rayhan and Dante get on like a house on fire .

” Delsanra added with a small smile ..

I looked at her , slightly amused despite the situation .

” Oh , they do indeed .

” I replied .

Dante , due to his abilities , could see Delsanra’s true form and his infatuation with her was still there .

” Where is Liam ? ” I asked , now glancing at

Mom as Azura came into the room , climbing into Mom’s lap .

Mom hugged her tightly and I felt that Azura was that comfort and light Mom needed so often lately .

As for Dad , how much more did he have to suffer ? ” In the cells .

” Mom replied quietly .

My eyes widened in shock , ” But you said he’s injured ! ” I shot up .

” He is … but he marked her Kiara … it’s a crime .

” Mom said quietly .

” I could sense her anguish .

Of course , she didn’t want him there , but she had to be fair .

I nodded ,

” I get that , but he is injured , isn’t he ? ” ” Yes , and I hurt him ….

” Delsanra looked shocked but said nothing , I simply stared at Mom .

We knew roughly what happened , but I didn’t know that Mom had hurt him ….

I thought i t was Damon ! I turned and ran from the room , my heart ringing in my ears as I rushed from the

house .

The sun was setting , I heard someone shout for me to wait to be escorted but I didn’t care .

Liam .

Didn’t they get it ? I knew what kind of person Liam was .

He had always put others before him , I get that he had changed , but it was the darkness that made him do it ! I know it’s still wrong , but leaving Liam alone at this time was not the right thing to do ! It would destroy him ! That would only push him further into darkness .

Liam always loved with everything he had , gave willingly , and put himself last .

I often saw so many qualities of Uncle Rafi n him .

But leaving him when he needed help , was the worst thing possible .

Fine , h e made Dad take an oath to not heal him , but I didn’t answer to Dad ! I reached the entrance to the pack headquarters , slowing down and stared at the two guards .

” I demand to see my brother .

Open the doors .

” ” Yes Luna , we have to ask the Alpha- “

” Boys … I’m the queen , I answer to no one but my king .

Step .

Aside .

” I said icily , despite both men being in their late twenties at the least .

My eyes flashed and I let my aura roll off .

They exchanged looks and stepped aside , unable to refuse my command and unlocking the entrance .

I also knew they had probably mind linked Dad , but I didn’t really care .

No one could stop me from healing him ! I ran down the hall , my heart thudding loudly .

The bond we had was not something small , even if we were miles apart .

Why didn’t he tell me what he was going through ? Why hadn’t I felt it ? Why was I such a horrible friend and sister ? I tried , I tried to do my best , but it was never enough .

My heart ached at that , as I rushed past some pack members walking around , heading towards the cells .

” Open the door ! ” I growled .

One of the men thumbed in the passcode .

I rushed past them and towards the cells , slowing down when I saw a bloody mess laying on one of the beds in a cell .

Liam .

Dad stood outside , his eyes looked empty , like a man who had lost everything .

I walked towards him and he looked at me .


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