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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 86

Not Taking A No LIAM It was later in the evening , and I had worked with Damon before returning home to dad’s place .

I still needed to talk t o him , and I would do it soon .

I mind linked Raven asking her if she wanted to come over , and she had sounded pretty flustered , although she had replied that she was obviously going to come and to leave the window open for her .

typical Raven .

I was glad she was coming , because I needed it .

Throughout the day I felt myself on the brink of losing control , and the amount of wolfsbane I had injected in myself was enough to kill .

But I was fine .

The moment that darkness grew , it was as if I was suddenly immune to it : I had just showered , I had just grabbed a towel when I felt the flare of darkness grow inside of me .

Focus … There was nothing that triggered me , but the urge it had to release itself and wreak havoc made it fucking hard to control .

Let it all out and this struggle will stop .

Don’t fight it … I pushed the thoughts away , remembering what I had done the last time I had let it out .

Raven .

Think of Raven … I almost killed her .

It wasn’t working , I felt my anger flare , m y claws coming out , and I plunged it into my chest trying to contain this , digging m y hand into my chest , letting the pain override the darkness .

I was not going to let it out … focus … focus *** Destroy it all … Let it go … I groaned , falling to my knees , I needed to shift … I needed ” Liam ! ” The door flew open and Raven’s scent filled my senses as she fell to her knees next to me , her hand going to my shoulder .

” Liam , breath .

” I growled lowly .

” Baby move … “

Her hand wrapped around my wrist , firmly removing my claws from my chest .

” I’m not leaving you , Liam .

” Her voice was firm yet soft , and her touch seemed t o fight the storm growing inside of me .

” Can I hold you .

” I whispered , finally looking up at her as I fought against it .

” Forever .

” She replied , wrapping her arms around my neck .

Her lips met my neck , placing soft kisses that sent delicious sparks through me .

I pulled her close , sitting back against the counter , wrapping my arms around her tiny body tightly , feeling the darkness fading away .

Her lips never left my neck or shoulder , kissing me sensually until I was finally myself .

She slowly pulled away , staring at my bloody chest .

Pain flashed in her eyes as she touched the raven tattoo that was over my heart .

” Don’t hurt yourself , baby .

” She whispered , cupping my face as she knelt between my legs .

” I was trying to pull it back , I’m ok .

” I said , running my hand through her hair .

” I’m proud of you .

” She whispered , cupping my face .

Our eyes met , and I saw the concern and pain in her eyes .

” I’m fucking losing it , Raven .

” I said quietly .

A part of me was telling me not to burden her with my fears , but another part of me needed to share the fear inside of me and with who else but my mate ? ” I’ve hurt you , mom , dad … Damon , I don’t recognise the person I’ve become anymore .

” I said , running my fingers through my wet locks .

And I hated it .

She tugged my face up , staring into my eyes , and shook her head .

” You have got this , Liam you want to fight this .

Just think , a month ago you were like whatever I don’t care if I die .

” She said , softly kissing my lips .

“ You are going to get through this , and you will be the very best version of yourself , because we are all rooting for that .

” I hope so .

” We all love you , Liam .

” ” I don’t really deserve it though , the amount of crap I’ve done .

” ” Love doesn’t work that way ; we love you for you and that won’t change .

” She said firmly , blushing as she looked me over , clearly realising only now that I was only i n a towel .

She moved back , her heart thudding as she grabbed another towel , busying herself with wetting it before dabbing my chest gently and wiping up the blood as m y wounds started to heal .

” Let’s get to bed .

” She whispered .

” Sure .

I’ll just wash my hands .

” I said , standing up and tightening my towel .

Her gaze dipped to my waist , and I smirked .

” Want a peek ? ” I asked .

Her eyes widened , and she shook her head vigorously , rushing from the room .

I smirked as I quickly rinsed my hands off .

Entering the bedroom , I saw her sitting on the bed , one hand on her hip , and she looked like she was in pain .

” Are you ok love ? ” I asked , worry filling m e as I rushed over to her .

She nodded , despite her heart beating faster than normal , and it wasn’t because of me .

” Yeah , I just … felt a bit unwell .

” She shook her head , and I nodded , hoping she was ok .

I went over to my wardrobe thinking I needed to do something … Perhaps I needed to visit Rayhan and Delsanra .

Maybe she could put some sort of seal on my abilities … The following day , I had told dad I had somewhere to go .

Only Raven knew where I was going , and although she wanted to g o with me , I didn’t trust her being alone with me not with my unhinged behaviour .

At least at home , I know that there are others not far off .

She hadn’t been happy when I said that and huffed in annoyance before she headed out to training .

I had called Rayhan and we had scheduled a place to meet closer to his pack but not i n pack territory because I didn’t want anyone to know we had met or that I had gone there .

” Take care of yourself .

” Dad said as he stood by the car .

” I’ll be ok , ” I said , crouching down and ruffling the little pumpkin’s hair .

” Be a good girl , ok , and no picking your boogers , it’s g ” 1 gross .

” I no do that anymore , I big girl .

” She denied it , as if that was obvious .

Yeah , I saw her this morning … ” Ahuh … ” She smiled , and I smiled back .

Placing a quick kiss on her forehead , I got into my black Range Rover , waving them goodbye and slipping on my shades .

I knew dad was worried about me going alone , but I promised him I would be ok , and I wouldn’t be far .

I just hoped I was and that Delsanra could help .

I put some music on as I drove out of the pack grounds .

It was a good hour later when I thought I heard a thud from the back .

Fuck did something fall onto my car ?

I pulled up on the side , putting my hazard lights on , and got out.a Walking around , I inspected the smooth metal , shaking my head .

Strange , I had felt something hit … I was about to get back into the car when I froze in my tracks , staring at the trunk .

A sudden thought came to me , and I frowned .

Don’t tell me … Stepping back , I popped the lid open and raised an eyebrow , staring down at none other than Raven , curled up inside .

She smiled sheepishly at me .

” You said I couldn’t come , but I want to meet Rayhan’s kitty ! ” She said , pouting a s she sat up , swinging her legs out as she stared up at me with those fucking gorgeous eyes that really made me unable to refuse her .

” How the … I didn’t even smell you … ” ” I still couldn’t .


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