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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 87

Once Like Brothers DAMON Night had fallen and I was in the packhouse , in Liam’s office , trying to look at the tracker families in the pack – those who had the ability to hide their heartbeats – when there was a knock on the door .

” Enter .

” I had left the door unlocked since I was in here anyway .

The door opened and Robyn’s familiar scent hit my nose before I glanced up .

She seemed surprised to see me alone , glancing around the room as if this was a mistake .

She was dressed in figure – hugging clothes consisting of a black vest top and denim high waisted jeans .

” I won’t bite .

” I said , smiling slightly .

That emptiness in my chest that she had once partially filled had only grown since the rejection .

It hurt .

It fucking hurt .

I pushed the thought away .

I don’t think I ever had a chance anyway , I would always be second , whether that was simply because Raven and Liam always had a stronger connection or because I couldn’t bring myself to fight for it and make matters worse .

One thing good about the rejection was that there was no holding on to hope that i It would never be .

There was no what if , or just maybe it could work .

It was done and I could look forward from here … It’ll get easier … I wasn’t the only one who had shouldered a rejection .

Only recently , Channing , Taylor’s brother , had rejected his mate .

It was different as their marks would remain until the end but they had weakened the bond by a lot .

But if say , Anna took a new mate , and marked them , the mark could be lifted from Channing’s neck .

The mate bond … it wasn’t something simple … ” I thought Zack was here .

He asked me to check the anti – scent spray supplies .

” She said , holding the file over her breasts .

” Leave it with me .

Thanks for your constant help , Robyn .

You’ve always been really hands – on and organised .

” I said glancing down at the desk in front of me , remembering a conversation from about six months ago that I had overheard her having with her brother Rick ….

You’re damn organised ….

Of course , I am ! Who knows , I may be a beta female … It could just be in my genes to be organised and handle stuff .

The sound of her laughter echoed in my mind , and I knew back then that was the point where I should have told her I had a mate .

Was this karma ? ” ” Yeah sure .

So , there’s nothing missing from the actual sprays , but there have been slight misses in the actual ingredients used to make them .

My bet is that someone has been sneaking a little here and there , then making their own .

” She said , brushing a coiled tendril of her hair back as she placed the file down , pointing something out .

Her heart was racing at our proximity .

I looked at where she was pointing and frowned .

” That’s minimal … Things get spilt when creating the sprays , are you sure it’s not just a miscalculation ? ” I questioned raising an eyebrow .

She frowned , cocking an eyebrow .

” I don’t make mistakes when it comes to things like this .

Damon , trust me , I’m the one who checked the stocks for Rick last time .

” She replied snappily .

” Calm down , I’m just saying .

” I said , smiling slightly .

She almost said something , the beginning of a smile on her lips before it vanished , and she shook her head , closing her eyes for a second .

” Yeah … so … I was thinking , maybe someone who has access to the supplies … She said , smoothly moving away from me .

My chest squeezed slightly at her move , but I smiled softly as I stared down at the file .

I had lost everyone to the point where they walked away , and when it came to her , that was my fault , but I couldn’t just delve into this fucking pain in my chest .

It was my choice to let her go , and to let Raven go … Now I had to deal with the aftermath .

I nodded , and she turned away , hesitating before looking at me .

” Damon , are you ok ? ” She asked , her voice sounding unsure .

I looked up at her , nodding .

H ” Yeah .

She frowned , pursing her lips .

” I know you better than that , Damon .

You’re hurting .

Do you want to talk about i t ? ” She asked , fiddling with one of her rings .

I looked at her , I knew she was the one person I could lay my soul bare to ,

but it would just hurt , just as it would hurt Raven if I had told her how I felt .

Even though Raven talked to me daily , asking how I was and checking in on me , I couldn’t tell her that the pain in my chest was crushing me .

Because I love her , and for her happiness , I let her go .

As for Robyn … bond or not , she had loved me , I was not going to hurt her by abusing that .

” I’m fine , thanks .

” I said just as the door opened and Liam stepped inside .

I frowned , instantly realising there was something different about him .

What was it … My eyes widened , realising there was n o aura around him .

Although I knew it was usually suppressed , you could still tell when an Alpha walked into the room , and right now I felt nothing from him .

” Hi … I’m not disturbing right ?

” He asked , glancing between Robyn and I.

” No Alpha , not at all .

I was just bringing the list for the supplies … ” Robyn said before she walked past him towards the door .

‘ If you do want to talk , I’m here .

I know the three of you have a complicated situation , and I’m not trying to butt in , but if you just need an ear to listen ….

One who won’t ever judge … I’m here .

‘ Her words came in my head , my heart thundered as I looked at her back .

” Thanks … Raven and I … We rejected one another .

‘ I said quietly .

Her heart raced , she looked down but she didn’t turn back .

‘ Oh … I’m sorry .

Then she was gone , shutting the door behind her .

Liam raised an eyebrow .

” All , ok ? “

” Yeah .



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