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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 93

Raven didn’t say a word .

Her anger and pain were clear in her eyes .

She had clenched her fists and stormed out .

I had called after her , but she simply shook her head not saying anything .

Even when I had pulled her into my arms and apologised , she simply stayed stiff , a single tear escaping her eye .

That hurt … but it was the truth , I was fucking scared .

We had walked to the packhouse in silence but I held her hand tightly .

‘ Raven ..

‘ She didn’t reply , simply holding my hand tighter .

The hall was decorated in a rustic theme .

The wooden tables were bare , with just a black runner down the middle .

There were bottles of whiskey , ice and drinks lining the table .

It’s definitely not a party for kids in here … The double doors that led to the garden were wide open .

The garden was decorated as well , and I could hear the music was louder out there .

” So , food’s in here , dancing and drinking are outside .

Taylor said , walking over , a bottle in hand and Zack by his side .

” Easy on the drinks , we just got here .

” Zack said , looking down at him with love clear in his eyes , despite the arrogant look on his face .

” Don’t worry , I’ll be fine .

Damn girl , you look good .

” Taylor said , smiling at Raven a s she slowly let go of my hand and he hugged her tight .

” You ok ? ” I watched them , seeing the concern in Taylor’s eyes for her .

Even when she gave that dazzling smile and nodded , I knew she wasn’t … ” Hey , guys … ” Damon said , coming over .

H e was dressed similarly to me in black pants with a button – down shirt .

” Hi .

” I said , as he turned to Raven .

” Hey ! ” She said , giving him a smile before hugging him .

I watched them as he hugged her back and looked away , giving them a moment .

The sacrifice they made for me isn’t something I’d forget and as much as I wanted to keep her in my arms , I couldn’t be more selfish with her than I already have been .

How are you feeling ? ” Damon asked her quietly .

” Perfect .

” She said , smiling .

I know a few of the higher – ups probably knew she had gone into heat as both Zack and Damon needed to cover for me .

I saw Damon’s ex glance towards us , lowering her head to me before she walked out towards the back .

” Well , unless we are going to be like the old folks and stay inside , shall we head outside ? ” Zack asked .

” Oi ! Who you calling old , pup ?! ” One of the older men shouted , already downing beer like water .

” Or do you want to try us ? We may be old but we can assure you that we are strong and able !

” Another called out .

” Oh , I can vouch for him ! He is very able ! ” His mate said , blushing as the other old she – wolves all began to tease her .

Yeah , still young at heart .

I smiled slightly as Zack raised his hand i n surrender .

” Sorry , ” ” You deserved that , babe .

” Taylor said as they led the way out , Damon following them .

I turned to Raven , who looked at me just then .

She looked breath – taking .

It was a little different than her usual colour , but she suited it beautifully .

The dress hugged her curves , emphasising that tiny waist and cleavage before draping over her sexy ass .

She reached up , her eyes flashed and her heart raced as she cupped my face , tugging me down .

‘ Raven … ‘ She didn’t reply , simply placing a soft kiss on my lips .

The sparks were dancing between us , yet beyond them , I felt her lips quiver slightly as she pulled away .

A ripple of whispers spread through the old wolves but I pretended not to hear them a s Raven wrapped her arms around mine , resting her head against my shoulder .

I was hurting her once again .

I didn’t like the silent treatment .

” I knew it ! ” ” That’s our Luna ! ” ” I see Scarlett in her .

” ” ” They make a cute couple , I just hope she’s not a magic lover … ” 1 frowned , feeling a flare of anger .

I know what they were insinuating , the birth of Azura … ” Ignore them .

” Raven whispered , but I was far too angry to do so .

I turned back towards them , staring at the granny who had spoken , about to speak , m y eyes flashing when I felt a hand on my back .


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