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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 95

Bright light , that’s all I could see .

I couldn’t hear or feel anything … I opened my eyes and looking around , there was nothing but light .

It was dazzling , yet it didn’t hurt the eyes .

I was no longer in pain … I sat up slowly .

Where am I ? ” You are nowhere , just in – between life and death .

” A majestic voice came .

It was strong and beautiful , but it didn’t sound human .

A soft laugh filled the air and I realised something was forming in front of me .

A glowing outline of a tall woman with long hair … I had to look away .

Looking at her directly made the eyes sting due to the intensity of the light .

I didn’t need her to introduce herself to know who that was .

I lowered my head to her , not sure how to feel .

” ” Goddess … ”

” Indeed , my child .

” I could tell from her voice that she was smiling .

” I am proud of you ; you sacrificed your life for your brother .

” I frowned , everything returning to me .

” I don’t think he sees me as a brother anymore … I lost that right long ago .

” I said quietly .

She held her glowing hand out , her flowing white dress swaying in a non existent breeze .

I took it hesitantly , feeling a cooling smoothness wash over m e .

” It is in your blood to want your mate for yourself .

You are still brothers .

You are one pack , one family .

” She said , as I stood up , letting go of her hand .

That’s true , we are … ” To err is part of life … You broke the centuries – old curse , child ; one I knew you could .

Surprise rushed through me , and although I couldn’t hear it , my heart was thumping in my chest .

” The curse is broken ? ” ” You gave the gift of life , selflessly sacrificing your own for someone else , someone who has caused you great inner conflict .

You cast aside your bitterness and fought this darkness … ” ”

I stayed silent , remembering the curse and prophecy .

She laughed softly .

” The curse … ah … Helios is not one to forget the insult … His curse was strong , I knew I would need someone powerful to break it .

I have waited centuries for the right wolf to be born .

I have created many strong , powerful Alphas of the Deimos line .

Yet none as compassionate as you .

Alpha’s are powerful , strong and have the will to lead , it is their soulmates who are usually the more compassionate , loving ones .

I couldn’t simply evade the curse .

When Helios foresaw your birth and the power that you would have , he came to me … I couldn’t simply bend the rules , us gods have rules and regulations too after all … To break the curse ; yours and the blessed wolf’s birth weakened the curse but I had to seal away your abilities .

In their place , he placed the darkness within you , the ultimate test to either break the curse or end the Deimos line for eternity .

The burden was upon you before you even left your mother’s womb .

” I pondered on her words , taking it in slowly , frowning slightly .

” Abilities ? ” I asked , trying to make sense of what she had said completely .

” Yes , you are the Deimos prince .

” ” Aren’t all Deimos Alpha’s princes since w e come from the Deimos line , like Dad or Grandad ? ” I asked as we walked side by side with no destination in mind .

” Not at all , I placed within you the powers second only to the original Deimos wolf .

You are far more pure – blooded than your predecessors , hence a Deimos prince .

Far more powerful .

” ” Yet … ” ” Speak your mind , child .

” She said , although I knew she knew what I was thinking .

” Raven … Her having two mates … What was the reason behind it ? ” I asked quietly .
Unable to hide the sadness , I always felt that I wasn’t enough .

” Oh child , never think you are not enough .

” 1 ” Then why ? ” ” To test you .

I couldn’t simply allow you t o have a life of ease if I wished for you to break the curse .

There were several outcomes that could have taken place , and even I did not know how it would go .

I cannot foresee everything after all , just the possible outcomes … When I made you , I created for you a mate whom I knew would be far too gentle to want to hurt either .

It needed to be from you .

” She sighed , despite her voice sounding as light and powerful as ever .

” You have broken the curse , yet you are neither alive nor dead .

” I knew that … ” However , your mate marked you .

” I looked at her sharply , only to flinch due t o the blinding light and look away , touching my neck .


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