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Capture Your Heart novel Chapter 116

She is stunned and nods slowly, "Okay."

She turns to the window and looks out of the window. She doesn’t dare to look at the bed behind her, let alone the person lying on the bed.

In fact, it is not that she dares not to look at Mia, but she can’t bear to look at her. Although Mia is her rival in love, she does not want Mia to become what she is now. She still maintains the kindness of human nature, which makes her know that the loss of the ability to walk freely means that life has almost come to an end.

At that time, there is a sharp sound of footsteps from far to near, and the door is pushed open. A group of people walk in, including Mia's relatives and the Charles family.

Suddenly, there is a screaming cry. Karin turns her head and finds that it is a man in his fifties who is crying. He hugs Mia on the bed tightly, crying hoarsely, "Mia, I'm sorry. As your uncle, I have not taken good care of you. How can I bear to face your dead parents? Mia..."

Behind the man, there are other people crying, but they are not as sad as the man.

There is some chaos in the scene, as well as some sadness. Karin's arm is pulled with force, and then she is dragged into the ward.

She takes a closer look and finds that it is Troy's eldest sister Milan who is pulling her. She knows immediately that she is going to be wronged again.

"It's you who have framed Mia into what she is now. Don't you feel ashamed of being here?"

"I don't want to quarrel with you. I can only say that I am also sad that she becomes like this."

"You are guilty rather than sad, right?"

Milan grits her teeth angrily, "What a wonderful girl she used to be, but you have ruined her. Karin, why is it not you lying in the ward?"

"Why should I be guilty? I have never done anything bad to her, why should I be guilty!"

Karin's tears roll in her eyes. She hates the feeling of being wronged by others. It is obvious that she is the last person who wants Mia to get amputated.

"You really don't do anything bad to her directly, but you indirectly force her to almost die. She has lost her parents, and her only reliance is my brother Karin. But your appearance made her lose even the last hope. If you hadn’t intervened in their relationship, such a tragedy would not happen today, so it is you who have ruined her invisibly, it is you who have taken her legs away!"


At some unknown time, Troy has already stood behind them. He glares at Milan with an angry expression. He steps forward and asks sternly, "What are you doing? Why do you blame her? What does Mia’s matter have to do with her?"

"Troy, don't be stubborn anymore! This woman is a jinx and she made Mia turn into a disabled person!"

"Then I should be the jinx! It has nothing to do with Karin! If you want to find someone to pay for this tragedy, just get back at me. Don't trouble my woman all day. I have tolerated you for a long time. Don't think I can't do anything to you just because you are my sister!"

Milan is shocked, and is trembling with anger, "Troy! You are so rebellious. You talk to me disrespectfully because of this woman. What do you want to do to me? Come on, do you want to beat me or kill me? Just come on, I want to see if you are really deceived by her and deny your families!"

Troy grabs Karin's arm and turns away angrily.

"Troy, don't leave, come back! You come back!"

Milan is going crazy. When she was a little girl, she was the eldest child of the family, and her two younger sisters and one younger brother all obeyed her. Although Troy has become a bit rebellious when he grew up, he will still respect her opinion on some issues. However, everything has changed since the woman Karin appears. As the eldest sister, not only does Milan have no prestige to speak, but she no longer wins the respect of her brother Troy. She just can't let it go.

Milan returns to the ward angrily, but is shocked to find that Mia has been awake. There is a circle of people around her bed and they keep talking to her, but she just opens her hollow eyes and stares at the ceiling blankly.

Milan quickly goes to the bedside, she holds Mia's hand and said sadly, "Mia, are you awake? It's okay. Everything will be ok as long as you live."

Mia still doesn't say anything, but her uncle speaks, "Miss Milan, we have all heard the content of the quarrel between you and Mr. Troy. No matter who have caused my niece to become like this, the Charles family should give us an explanation, right?"

Milan nods, "That's for sure. Mia got injured to save my brother. Our family has always been honest, and we will never do ungrateful things."

"Hum, I’m afraid it’s not up to you. Last time I said that I would take the company's elite and resign to force him to marry my niece, he promised me. But when the project was completed, I was the first to be fired. He also specially held a press conference to terminate the engagement with my niece. He is so cold-blooded and ruthless. Can you guarantee that he will be responsible for Mia?"

"Can you two stop talking about this in front of the patient?"

Robert has stayed in the ward all the time. He doesn't say a word before, but he can't stand it anymore, so he has to interrupt.


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