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Capture Your Heart novel Chapter 117

"Mia had a car accident."


Stunned for a few seconds, Billie laughs, "Did she have a car accident? That's great! A bad woman like her deserves to be punished. How did she curse you last time? She said you would go to hell, right? She is actually cursed herself with her bad heart, she deserves it!"


Karin glares at her sadly, "You don't understand the situation, don't talk nonsense."

"What? What’s the matter with you? It's your rival in love not your relative who has the car accident. You shouldn't be so distraught. You are reacting like a stupid, do you understand?"

"She was in a car accident because of Troy. She lost both legs! The question that exists in front of Troy and me is that she must have someone responsible for her. Do you understand?"

Billie becomes surprised with her mouth wide open, and she suddenly can't speak.

After a while, she asks in frustration, "Then what are you going to do now?"

"I don’t know."

Karin rubs her hair in annoyance. Those words that Milan said have kept echoing in her ears, and she can't drive them away. She is really annoyed.

"What did Troy say?"

"He said he would not give me up."

"That's fine. Since he has promised you, what else do you have to worry about?"

"You don't understand. Things are not as simple as you think."

"How complicated is that?"

"Mia had such an accident Do you think Mia’s family will let it go easily?"

"Hey, her family just has a small business and doesn’t border on the noble. Will Troy be afraid of them?"

"Even if her family will not make trouble, the Charles family will be targeting us, not to mention that it would be difficult to deal with Troy's sister Milan alone."

Billie rolls her eyes, "Why is Miss Milan so annoying? Does she have hatred against you? Why does she keep picking on you?"

"I don't know."

"Well, don't be unhappy. I will call William. Let's go for a drink and forget all the unpleasant things."

After speaking, she takes the phone and dials William's number, but she frowns, "Damn, he turns it off. Forget it, let's go by ourselves."

"No, I want to go back."

Karin doesn't have the mood to go out to play. She wants to go back to Ziteng Garden quickly and ask Troy about Mia's situation.

She hurried back without a stop, but Troy does not come back. She has to sit in the garden and wait for him.

Afraid that he is in a bad mood, she doesn’t dare to call him.

After waiting for more than two hours, she runs out quickly when she hears the sound of a car outside.

As soon as Troy gets out of the car, she rushes forward and asks, "Was Mia awake?"


"How was she? Was she still blubbering?"

He shakes his head, "No, she was quite calm."

"Has she stopped making trouble?"

Karin is a little surprised, "How can she stop making trouble?"

"Maybe she has accepted the reality, or maybe she needs some time to accept it."

Troy takes her hand and they walk into the garden together. When they go upstairs, he stares at dark circles around her eyes and says, "Don't think about anything tonight. Just sleep well."

Feeling quite disturbed, she asks, "Then what did you tell her?"

"I said I would take care of her like my own sister."

"Did she agree with you?"

"She didn't speak."

Karin is frustrated, "Then she must be unwilling."

"Whether she wants it or not, I can only give her such a promise. As I have said, I will make a clear distinction between responsibility and love."

Troy holds up her face with his hands, "Well, don't worry about it anymore. I don't want to see you unhappy."

He goes to work in the study, and she goes to the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower, she lies down on the bed. Maybe she is really too tired. After a while, she falls asleep deeply.

When she wakes up, it is already more than two o'clock in the morning. She finds that the place next to her is empty, so she gets up abruptly and shouts, "Troy..."

Is he still working? Karin puts on slippers and runs all the way to the study. She opens the door only to find that there is no one in the study.

She rushes downstairs and searches everywhere, but she can't find him. She can't help being a little worried. It is so late, where did he go...


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