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Capture Your Heart novel Chapter 136

"No matter what it is, it is the result you want, isn't it?!"

After Troy grits his teeth and says the last sentence, he slammers the door of the office and goes away...

Karin returns to Ziteng Garden in the evening. The phone in the living room is ringing, so she runs to answer, "Hello, hello, who is it?"

"Is Troy there?"

Karin is startled. It’s Mia's voice.

"He is not here. What’s up?"

"I have some things left in Ziteng garden. Let him bring them to me now."

"Then call him on his cell phone."

"His phone is off."

"Off?" Karin is surprised with a little disbelief.

"You can call him yourself."

"Well, I will tell him after he comes back."

"No, I am in a hurry to use them now. You can deliver them for me."

Mia's tone is very arrogant, more like an irresistible order.

"But I..."

"Don't make up an excuse. If I can come over, do you think I’ll ask you to deliver them?"

Karin sighs, "All right, what things? Where did you put them?"

After hanging up the phone, Karin goes to the room where Mia has lived before. After finding out what Mia wants, Karin gives a call to the driver, and gets to Charlie Mansion 20 minutes later.

Karin knocks on the door. It’s still Mary who opens the door. Her attitude is bad, even worse than before.

Karin doesn't say anything to her, and walks straight towards the living room.

"This is what you want."

She hands the handbag to Mia, "If there is nothing else, I have to go now."


Mia stops Karin, "It's rare for you to come here. Can you chat with me?"

Karin smiles, "Miss Mia, what can we talk about? You forgot the unpleasant things before, but I did not forget. I also know you hate me, so in fact, you don't have to pretend not to hate me. Because it looks so hypocritical."

"Tsk, what you said seems like I’m such a hypocritical person. I admit that I hated you, but after all, it was before. Nothing is set in stone. I think in the future I won’t hate you anymore."


Mia gives her a weird smile, "It's nothing." She turns her gaze to Mary, "Mary, prepare for a rich dinner. Miss Karin is a rare guest. We have to entertain her well."

When Mia is speaking this, she’s like a real hostess. Besides, she doesn't feel it inappropriate.

"By the way, can you help me deliver these things to my room?"

Mia raises her handbag.


Karin takes it calmly and asks casually, "Which room do you live in?"

"Miss Mia lives in Mr. Troy's bedroom."

Mary answers triumphantly. Seeing that Karin has some doubts, she adds, "Mr. Troy has agreed."

Karin doesn't speak any more. She just turns around sadly and walks in the direction of the stairs. Every step she walks is unusually heavy.

Why would Troy agree with Mia to live in his room? Is it the condition to let her move out of the Ziteng Garden? Karin is puzzled, having mixed feelings.

Karin opens the door and walks in. She puts her the handbag on the table. Just when she is about to leave, suddenly, a wedding dress on the bed catches her eye. She picks it up and looks at it curiously. Frowning for a few seconds, she puts the wedding dress back in place.

Back downstairs, she walks straight to Mia and says sarcastically, "Did you deliberately let me see the wedding dress on the bed?"


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