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Capture Your Heart novel Chapter 137

Troy points to the computer, "But I need ten more minutes to read the file I just received."

"OK, take your time."

She jumps off his lap, walks to the bookshelf, pulls out a book at random and reads it.

After reading it for a while, her slender waist is suddenly hugged tightly, and the familiar scent follows.



After shower, he comes to lie down beside her, and asks softly, "Are you asleep?"

She closes her eyes and does not answer him.

A fresh scent comes out, and it is he who is kissing her. He kisses her from time to time, like a feather brush, itchy and numb.

"Karin, I love you."

She opens her eyes and frowns slightly, "Troie, why do you keep saying you love me tonight?"

"Aren't you asleep?" Troy raises his eyebrows in surprise.

"No. I just don't want to talk."

"Why do you talk as you don't want to talk?"

Karin blinks her clever eyes, "That's because you have been saying you love me."

"Have I?"

"Yes! You have said this three times in just a few hours since you came back."

Troy smiles with blinking eyes, "I don't remember, but isn't it good to say I love you? Don't you like being loved by me?"

"Of course, I like it. But you don't have to say love all the time, it's cheesy."

Karin drills into his arms shyly. It is almost autumn. Even though the window is closed, it is still a little cold.

When receiving a call from Stanley without warning, Karin is surprised and angry. She asks unceremoniously on the phone, "How did you get my number?"

From the other end comes Stanley's cynical smile, "It's just a piece of a cake. I can get anything as I want."

"What do you want to do?"

"Come out and meet me, I want to talk to you..."


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