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Caught in Love With My Previous CEO novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 She Is Dispensable!

Tina openly went out to pick up Ellen, letting many people see her on the way.

"Tina, why did you quit and come to work in such a place?" Ellen felt uncomfortable as soon as sitting down, so she looked around with disgust.

Tina poured her a glass of water and pretended to be relaxed, saying, "I had worked as a secretary for a long time, so I almost forgot my major in college. I want to get more experience and start my own business in a few years."

"I see." Ellen was convinced, so she friendly held Tina's arm and said, "Mr. Langford can't do without you. I did not expect you to leave so resolutely."

She was speaking straightforwardly, so Tina could hear what she meant.

She didn't refute, generously took out the notes she had organized, and then told Ellen about Samuel's preferences.

She did it on purpose because she wanted Ellen to tell everyone that she had come here to gain experience instead of being exiled.

Ellen listened carefully and stayed until her lunch break ended.

When she was leaving, she talked with Tina at the gate.

"Tina, I think you need to go back. Mr. Langford's Secretariat has too much work to do."

Really? Tina was afraid the other secretaries would join hands to go against her as soon as she went back.

So, she retorted seemingly sullenly, "Stop talking nonsense! You have worked for him for years, so I'm sure you're competent in the chief secretary's work. I have confidence in you."

Ellen showed a complacent look and talked with Tina like a baby for a while before getting into her car to leave.

Tina returned to the office after seeing her away. As soon as she entered the door, her colleagues started asking her questions, and even Victor came out to talk with her.

Tina politely replied to everyone without revealing much information.

After a while, Tiffany brought her a cup of coffee and smiled at her despite her red and swollen cheeks.

"Tina, after a second thought, I found I should not take half of the sales commission of the order. It should be all yours."

Tina looked down on this kind of person at heart, so she wanted to disgust her and said, "Why? You have worked hard for an entire afternoon, right?"

"No, I can't take it. We are colleagues, and you're new here. You need it more than me." Tiffany blinked her big eyes hard. And tears flowed out as soon as she lowered her head.

If Tina had not asked Ellen to come, Tiffany would forcefully grab all the credit. But now, she was pretending to be nice here.

Tina put on a hesitant look and sighed, "Fine, I'll accept it."

"Great!" Tiffany patted her chest lightly, wiped her tears off, and said, "If you had refused, I would have had difficulty falling asleep."

Tina secretly sneered.

And her eyes flashed with disdain when she picked up the coffee naturally and said, "Sorry, but I have a lot of work to do."

"Okay! I'm going back to work too."

Watching her go out, Tina rolled her eyes at the computer screen.

When she was thinking about how to sell cars, her phone suddenly vibrated. And it was a text message from Coco, saying there would be an assessment of performance at the end of the month.


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