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Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love! novel Chapter 16

Shalini's PoV

I want to go shopping to buy something for all the kids in the orphanage that Yadav adopted recently. Disha, Yadav's secretary will come home today with the details of how many kids, their age and gender.

I have taken it as a habit to get something for everyone whenever Yadav adopts an orphanage or an old age home. I'm very proud of my son. Though we had money, Aravind or I never thought of adopting. We have helped people. But never took responsibility. That requires huge commitment. But Yadu took that responsibility right from the start of his career.

It's always a tiring job to select things for the kids. It's usually Disha that accompanies me on this shopping trip. She sure is helpful. But this time I wanted to take Akshu. Ever since she visited us, we have been totally addicted to her. She speaks to me and Aravind every other day. Aravind, if not available, will ask me every detail on what we talked about! But even after inviting her to our home so many times, she makes excuses. I don't know why!

It's not that I didn't see her. We meet at common places like temples and beaches and parks and malls. I feel like my age is cut into half when I'm with her. I like her friend Kavya also. But she is an introvert. A girl of little words. I called up Akshu to know their plan for tomorrow. Since it's Saturday tomorrow, they may have some plans of their own.

"Hello aunty! How are you, uncle, Bruno and Tiger? "

"We are all good, Akshu. You left my son."

"Haha, I never met him. It's ok. How is your son?"

"Haha he is so good too. Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

"Um...Yes aunty. Tomorrow evening is Kavya's manager's birthday party. Guess where, We

are going to a pub aunty!" she squealed!

"Wow! So excited to get spoiled! Aren’t you?" I'm quite disappointed with her excitement.

"um...Are you angry with me aunty? You sound sad!"

"No Akshu!"

"Pch, Don't lie aunty! Me and Kavya always wanted to see a pub. We just wanted to explore aunty. I promise you, Kavya will never let me get spoiled. 'Kalavum katru Mara!'".

she said.

I felt like I over reacted. She is a young girl and new to Chennai. She is excited to experience a new side. She is a girl brought up with good moral values. I'm sure she will know what to do and when to stop.

"Sorry, Akshu .So, the party is in the evening, right? What are you girls doing in the morning?"

"No plans aunty. We just have to go shopping for some dresses. We don’t have any outfit that suits the place."

"Ok, I'm planning to go shopping too tomorrow. Will meet at some place tomorrow. I will help you girls and you have to help me too."

"Sure aunty!"

"Ok Akshu, Will see you tomorrow. I will pick you girls from your pg."

"It's ok aunty. we will come to the mall."

"Don't be so formal, Akshu! Be ready by 10. Bye"

"Haha ok aunty. Bye!"

I disconnected the call and went to the hall. Someone is at the door.

"Hi Disha. Come in."

"Hello Madam. How are you?"

"I'm good. So, you have the details of the new orphanage?"


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