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Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love! novel Chapter 17

Akshu's PoV

We both were ready and now waiting for aunty to pick us up. There she comes.

"Hi, Akshu. Hi, Kavya. Shall we go?" She asked, opening the door for us.

"Sure, aunty." Kavya said. We both got in and the car started to float.

"What are you shopping for today aunty? silk sarees?" I asked her.

"No dear. I know an orphanage. I'm planning to go there next weekend. So I just want to buy something for the kids there."

"Wow. Super, aunty. Do you usually go there?" I asked her excitedly.

"Um no, dear. This is my first visit to this orphanage."

"Oh, ok ok. What are you planning to buy aunty? How many kids are there?" Kavya asked her.

"There are around 200 kids. All of different ages. I usually will buy study materials like gk books, geometry boxes, coloring books, sketch pens, color pencils, uniforms. But this time I want to buy something different. Do you have any ideas?" Aunty asked both of us.

"Um... don't get me wrong, aunty. I personally feel these material gifts won't last long. I’m sure these are useful. The orphanage must also be getting funds and donations from others also. Everyone will think like you do. So, one way or another they will get these items." I told her.

"Hmmm you are right. So, what do you suggest Akshu?"

"I feel like you are capable of doing more than this to them. Kids in orphanages should have education. I'm sure the home would take care of it. But they also need something to ensure their monetary needs when they go out. Some handy-works like sewing, crocheting etc.. You can arrange someone to teach those kids something like this, aunty!"

"Wow, Akshu. It's a good idea. I can definitely do that. That's good thinking."

"Thank you, aunty. Actually, from my childhood I earned every penny of my pocket money! My mom bought me a piggy bank when I was in kindergarten. She would give me money whenever I finish the chores she gives me. I used to water the plants, clean up my toys, put my clothes in their place etc. As I grew the works she gave also grew like doing house chores, gardening, working in the farm, delivering strawberries to market. Actually, we can teach the kids farming." I said excitedly.

"Very interesting. What else do you know, Akshu?" she asked me.

"Haha. I know a little about tea estates. I know how to grow broccoli. I know how to make beautiful hats, baskets and bins using coconut leaves. I know crocheting. Mmmm that's all I could remember aunty."

"You are surely a talented girl, Akshu! What about you Kavya?"

"Kavya is a carnatic singer, aunty. She learned music."I said

"Um... yes aunty. I know carnatic music."

"Aunty, I know Bharatanatyam!" I said.

"Haha! Ok Ok. Why don't you girls teach the kids what you know every Sunday? I will pay you girls for your time and effort." aunty said.

I saw Kavi. She is excited too.

"We will teach them aunty. But we don’t want money from you. We can’t help them with money. Let us do this to help, aunty." I told her.


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