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Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love! novel Chapter 49

Kavya's PoV

"Kavi, What's your problem? Why have you been so gloomy since I came back?" Akshu asked me after getting back from our new office.

We now have the same timing and we come and go by office cab. Looks like it's 'compulsory' for us to take the cab. Looks like Yadav has given strict orders not to drive bikes anymore. Akshu too has been very dull for the past week since she came back from Coonoor. But I figured it out. Yadav has not visited us even once in the past week. She is missing him.

"That's nothing, Akshu. I'm fine." I told her. I don't know what I am thinking, myself and I have no intentions to tell this to her until I get my head cleared.

"I know you better than that. Spill!" she spoke authoritatively.

"It's really nothing, Akshu! I... I met Vishwa." I told her.

"What the hell? Is he bothering you again?"

"No, No no! I called him to meet. He didn't." I said with my head hung low.

"Are you nuts?" She is beyond angry.

"Please, Akshu. I couldn't push him out of my heart."

"After all he did to you?"

"He didn't do anything."

"Oh he said that? And you believed him? You sure are nuts."

"Akshu, please, He said he loves me."

"And you melted?"

“No, but he said something different. He is…” She cut me off.

“Stop it, Kavi. He is a low life. He spoiled your reputation and god knows how many other girls are involved.” She shouted at the top of her voice and I could no longer hear her talk shit on him.

“Shut up, Akshu. You think Vishwa is a low life because he tried to spoil my reputation? I think Yadav is a low life who cannot sleep without fucking a girl. God knows how many girls he has spoiled.” I shouted even more and she stood there dumbstruck. I know I crossed the line. I was angry.

“At least Yash didn't go behind girls who are not his type. Don't you dare compare him to that filth.” She warned me and I retreated. I know I was wrong.

"Will you please listen for a minute?" I pleased her. She has fixed him as a wrong person in her heart and is sticking to it.

I told her everything that happened on that day to her.


"What is common between me and Akshu?" I asked Vishwa.

"I'm not sure."

"Vishwa please be open to me. Tell me what exactly we are into?"

"Kavya, I'm not a good man. I am from a middle class family. But I am a studious person. I got sponsors and scholarships to study in a prestigious college. I started comparing my standards with those of the rich guys who were coming there. I got a bad company at that time who promised me a good amount for a part time job. Once I started getting money, girls threw themselves at me and I used them. I am not proud of it now." he said with a voice full of regret.

"What is that part time job?" I disregarded that girls part as it hit my heart hard.

"They would give me the pictures of some girls and boys in our college. I should befriend them and take them to the place they tell me. Once they get what they want from them, I will get a large sum of money."

"What are they behind? Who paid you?" This is something more dangerous than I thought.

"I have no idea. I don't know who paid me. It was all through mail. My classmate who introduced me to them will give me my pay."

"What happened to the people whom you left with them? Have you ever felt guilty for what you have done?"

"I have never looked back at what happened to them until now, Kavya."

"Huh, Why would you after you get your money?"

"Kavya, please. I know I did something terrible. But at that time all I cared for was money. But now when I look back at all the people whom I turned to them, I am scared for my fate." I can see he is truly sorry.


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