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Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love! novel Chapter 50

Akshu's PoV

I am super angry at Kavya. But she believes that Vishwa is now a good man. She still loves him. She spoke very ill of Yash. But I understood why she did what she did. I cannot take a word against Yash even from my mom. So I know how hurtful it will be for her when I talk badly of Vishwa. I'm totally confused on what to do with her now. I cannot let her see him and also I cannot stop her from seeing him.

We are now on the way to our office. Joshua is coming behind our cab on a bike. It's super crazy to be followed by someone all the time. He keeps a decent distance though. Joshua spoke to me like a friend When he dropped me in my pg on that day.

I was surprised to know that Yash was so worried about my safety. Joshua said he's been following me from the day when I met Yash face to face in the hotel. I can sense something is wrong around me but I don't know what exactly is that. All I know is one thing. Yash is my everything. If he is with me, I will be happy, safe, cherished, loved and everything that defines happiness!

"Akshitha, Good morning. Our boss is here today. He wants to see you." the receptionist on our floor sang to me.

I basically hate all the beautiful girls who work here. The only thing that calms my nerves is that he dont have a Personal Assistant. Shiva takes care of it all.

"Why, Thank you, Samantha. I will see him." I put on my best smile to hide my hate for her.

"He is on the 7th floor. He expects you in another 10minutes. He is very strict on time. Don't be late."


Ugh! She talks like she has known him for years. Maybe that is true. But I don't like it. Not one bit.

I ran to the elevator to go to the 7th floor. I work on the 3rd floor. As promised he came to see me. I'm overwhelmed by his love. It's unbearable.

I rushed out of the elevator and went in calm and composed. I don't want everyone to think I am crazy. The receptionist there guided me to his room. I knocked on the door and waited for his voice.

"Yes!" Oh my god, Hearing him is like a melody to my ears. How much I missed him!

I opened the door and went in. He was standing leaning in front of the desk with his arms crisscrossed. He was in his dark blue formal shirt and grayish black jeans. OMG!

"Like what you see? " he raised his eyebrows at me.

Gosh! How long have I been seeing him still on the doorstep? Embarrassing!

"Of Course I do!" I went in closing the door behind me.

"You have no idea how much I miss you." he pulled me to his chest when I got to him. I felt like home.

"I miss you too, Yash." I hugged him tight.

"So how do you like your new job? Interesting?" He lifted me up and sat me on the desk and stood between my legs.

"I love it." I said, closing my eyes. The friction between our thighs is making funny things to me.

"You love it? How about this?" He gripped my thighs and pulled me closer to him. Now our lips are just a centimeter away. His breath fanning my face, he blew on my lips that I parted my lips on his sudden move.

"Shia, You are making it impossible for me to stay away from you." he spoke without finishing what he started. All I want now is a kiss from him that says I am his and he is mine. I pulled his shirt and started kissing him.

OMG, I love how he sucks me out. I kiss him too with the same passion. Our kiss intensified and so were his hands exploring me. He drew lines on my thighs and it felt like I am naked in front of him. I wore cotton pants and a button up shirt today.

He trailed his hands above to the rim of my shirt and pulled it up. He grew impatient when he felt my slip underneath. I wanted to badly feel his hands on me so I helped him pull out my slip too.


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