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Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love! novel Chapter 56

Yadav's PoV

I feel like this break is necessary. But I still switched my phone on at night to see if she had sent me any messages or voice notes as she usually does. Nope! Nothing! The feeling of disappointment pierce my heart every time. Ok, It's she who chased me for love. If she doesn't want it now, I don't care.

I landed in Chennai on Friday night after solving all the disputes smoothly in Japan. Once I switched my phone on, I got a call from Shiva. A friend is the one you can trust no matter what the situation is.

"Yes, Shiva."

"Dei, How was the trip? All ok? You were not reachable for the whole trip."

"Yeah everything is fine. I purposely went silent on this trip."

"Ok, Good that you had a little break. Don't forget that we have a lunch plan tomorrow."

"So you won’t tell me what or who we are meeting?"

"Wait until tomorrow!"

"Haha ok!"

"Yadav, Akshitha has done a great job in these 4 days. She finished all her assigned work before time and also helped in sorting out the new insurance policy details. She helped them sync our system to their's."


"I'm amazed by how efficient she is."

"Good, So she has been busy all these days."

"Absolutely. She went late everyday. Good that Joshua was with her."


"She is the right choice. We both had a little chat too. We are now friends."

"Good for you."

"Yadav, Are you ok?"

"Yeah, Just tired."

"Oh sorry, da. You take some rest. I will come in a cab tomorrow at noon. I don't want any media following us."

"Haha ok, da."

"Good night!"

"Bye da!" I went to bed pushing away everything from my mind. I slept so peacefully. No over thinking, No decision making. Just me and my work. It feels like ages since I have slept

so peacefully. I have lost my sleep soon after Shia came into my life.

The next day, I woke up very late with a swing of refreshment. I skipped breakfast and got ready to meet Shiva's special one.

"Good noon, my boy!"

"Good noon, dad. How are you?" I asked my dad.

"Good, It's been long since I've seen you this enthusiastic."

"A new day, New me!"

"See, I have always told you life will be beautiful when you find your love. Akshitha came along the way and you have changed completely. I love to see you this happy every single day." God, Not again.

"This is not what you think, dad. We have nothing like you anticipate." I ignored his ridiculous claim. I am happy and enthusiastic just because I have pushed her out of my mind. She is nothing but an intrusion.

"You cannot fool me, son. No news on you, No bad remarks. I have heard that you spent all your day with her in Coonoor. Besides, I have eyes, son. Your mom is so happy and So am I."

"Come on, dad. She is just a passing cloud." I told myself more than I told him.

"If you say so." my dad went in.

I dashed out of my home. It's her I see everywhere, It's her I hear about, It's her I always think about. I cannot fool myself. After Shiva's plan, I should meet her. I should tell her that I cannot stay sane if she ignores me.

I called Joshua.

"Hi Joshua, How are you?"

"Hello, sir. I'm good, thank you. You are back?"

"Yes, How is Shia?"

"She is doing good, sir. She is at a temple now with her.." I cut him off.

"Ok, Tell me when she is free and where. I want to meet her."


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