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Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love! novel Chapter 57

Akshu's PoV

Never in my wild dreams have I ever thought about a situation like this. I could clearly see anger in his eyes. He is ofcourse angry. Why would he not? I never got back to him even after knowing how many times he tried to get in touch with me. And the worst part is, I am sitting with Raajiv and he is sitting right opposite to me.

"Shiva, this is my mom, Dr. Devaki. This is my brother, Dr. Raajiv. She is Akshitha. My bro's fiance. And This is Shiva. Ofcourse, we all know Mr.Yadav." Dheeksha introduced each other.

I wish the land would just open up and take me in. I wanted to shout that I am not his fiance. Shiva is clearly confused and was about to say something to Dheeksha when Yash interrupted.

"Hi, Nice meeting you all. Congratulations Mr.Raajiv." He said. He sounds like he is done with me. That is not good.

"Thank you, Mr. Yadav. It's a pleasure meeting you." Raajiv said.

Shiva turned to see Yash and went silent. Yeah, They are friends and they can read one another. I can feel his racing anger.

"So Shiva, about you?" Devaki aunty asked Shiva.

"Ma, he is the only son. He works in Yadav's .." Dheeksha started but aunty interrupted."Let him talk, Dheekshu." She stopped her.

"Sure aunty, I work in Yadav's concern. I'm well settled and in love with your daughter. I'm here to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage." Shiva spoke with full confidence.

"I like your boldness." Raajiv said.

"Thanks Mr.Raajiv. I have already told my mom about Dheeksha and she is very happy. You can check on my character and financial status."

"Oh that won't be necessary. We are impressed, Mr.Shiva." aunty spoke.

"So is that a yes?" Dheeksha squealed.

"Haha, we are happy with your find, sissy. I had already done my background check when mom told me about this. Congratulations, Mr.Shiva." Raajiv said.

"Congratulations da." Yash hugged Shiva.

Everyone was happy but all I could hear was my heart thumping out loud and the blood whooshes in my veins. I am scared is the very least description of my current state. I am dying a slow death and Yash’s looks on me acts as a trigger that quickens the death.

They started ordering the food and Raajiv asked me about my liking. My liking? My only liking now is to scream that I don't like any of this and I am in love with Yash, which I clearly cannot do because if I do it now, I'm sure Yash will ask me who I am! I'm not in a mood to eat.

"Anything you prefer. Thanks." I told him and I dared not to lift my eyes up to see anyone because I can already feel Yash’s eyes burning a hole on me.

"Awww look at those love birds. Akshu, you can have your own liking. Raajiv is a very considerate man. He won't force you into something." Aunty said. She is aggravating the situation with the wrong conception of what I intended.

Oops! Wrong move. Wrong dialog, It added fuel in already raging fire .

"Haha Ma, Stop. You make her feel uncomfortable." Raajiv said. One sane man at least but he is the last one I will turn to for help.

"Aww are you blushing?" Dheeksha added.

God! What the hell is wrong with these people?

"um..No. I like some fried rice and baby corn Manchurian.'' I said. I dared not to even breathe louder. I'm scared. No, I'm terrified to sit opposite of him.

"Alright, everyone. It's nice meeting you all. Now if you all will excuse me, I have to go. I had a nice time and lunch." Yash spoke in a very pleasant tone. No one other than me could read his cold looks. Maybe Shiva can.

"Yeah, We have another appointment after lunch. Thank you everyone for the lovely lunch and hospitality. I can bring my mom whenever you tell me." Shiva added, trying to get up with him.

"No, You stay and enjoy your day, Shiva. I can manage." Yash said.

"It's ok. I will come with you." Shiva said.

"No problem, you guys carry on. I will look for an auspicious day and let you know, Shiva. I'm planning for both the weddings at the same time." Aunty spoke.

"Wow, Well then, Congratulations all four of you." Yash said, letting his eyes linger on me with sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"Alright, We will take your leave then." Shiva said and they both left the place and all of a sudden I felt a huge vacancy in my heart. This is no good.

"Bye! " Everyone bid bye to them.

"um... I need to use the restroom." I told Raajiv to get out of here.

He stood up and made way for me and I dashed out of that room and ran to the front to see Yash. He cannot think bad of me. When I went there, he had already left. I don't know what to do . I felt shattered inside and started crying.

"What happened Akshu? Why are you standing here?" Aunty spoke from my back.


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