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Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love! novel Chapter 58

Akshu's PoV

He wanted to propose to me with an apology for the mistake that happened out of his control. But here, I made wrong which I could have easily avoided if I were mature enough to know how to prioritise things. I couldn't find him in the room. I ran down to aunty again.

"Aunty, He is not in the room. Where is he aunty?"

"Please stop crying, Akshu. You are scaring me. Tell me what happened?" She sounded irritated.

"Aunty, I love him, aunty. I love your son. We had a misunderstanding. I want to see him before he makes the wrong decision." I cried to her.

"So he loves you too. I am so happy, Akshu. Don't worry, misunderstandings are quite common in couples." She doesn't know the intensity of the misunderstanding we have.

"Aiyo, aunty, He is really angry and yes he is in love with me. " I showed her the bouquet.

"Aww look at my son. He knows to ask for sorry and knows how to propose to a girl romantically? Wow, That's a surprise."

"Aunty, please. No time for this. Where is he?" I’m losing my patience. I want to see him and explain to him that I will always be his’.

"Relax, Akshu. If he is not in his room, he should be in the gym. Gym is outside near the pool. Third room from changing room. You will find it easy, it's a room with all glass walls."

I ran outside again. I ran to the gym and there he is punching the sand bag with all the might he has. He was wearing only his track pants and was naked above his torso. His muscles flex with every punch and he is sweating all over that glistened his body. I could not take out my eyes from his sexy muscled-up body even at a time like this. The feeling of lust and fear makes funny things on my tummy. With the way he is taking out all his anger and frustration on the sand bag, I think he sees my face on it. He looks scary. I gathered up all the courage I have and started taking baby steps to the gym and opened the door.

"Out!" he said. Calm and composed.

"Yash! Please listen to.." He cut me off.

"Please get out. I'm not in the mood to hear your stories." he said, looking me in the eye. It feels like dying to see hatred for me in his eyes.

"Don't I get a chance to explain..." He cut me again.

"Did you give me a chance?" he is talking to me like a stranger. No emotions in his voice. He is not angry or shouting and that is what is killing me more.

"Yash, that's a mistake. My phone..."

"Shia, Don't make me do something that I will regret later. Go away."

"Please listen to me just once." I almost pleaded. I was too scared to even go near him, I just stood near the door.

"Just answer my question. Did you say your NO for this proposed wedding?" He asked, still maintaining his cool.

I shook my head in a No!

"Well then, congratulations. Don't spoil it for Shiva too. Now get the hell outta here." Even now he is not angry at me, he is just irritated by my presence.

"Yash!" I could not bear his hatred.

"Out!" he shouted at his highest voice and punched my reflection on the mirror in front of him. "YASH!" I ran to him to stop him from what he was doing. His hands were all bloody and he pushed me away, not letting me touch him.

"Just kill me. Get angry on me, hit me until you vent out your anger. I can't bear this ignorance from you. I won't go until you hear me out.” I said.

He looked at me and took his phone. He dialed someone ignoring me altogether..


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