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CEO’s Surrender With You I Can Never Win novel Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Finley looked at Bryan, and then they smiled at each other.

Finley won, so she would stay on the stage to continue the competition.

Bryan looked at Finley with confidence in his eyes.

Harry saw Bryan and went over “Mr. Turner, this way, please. Won’t you have an important meeting this morning? Why did you come over?”

Bryan followed Harry to the last row and sat down. When Bryan saw the banner, his face darkened. “Whose idea?” Bryan asked coldly.

Harry had a bad feeling after his heart skipped a beat. “Mr. Turner… don’t you like it?”

“What do you think?” Bryan shot a glance at Harry.

Harry took a deep breath and said, “Not bad. Didn’t you call Mrs. Turner baby? This banner can show your support to her directly.

Bryan fell silent.

The competition continued, and the second group went on the stage.

Finley couldn’t leave the stage, so she sat before her computer and winked at Bryan.

Bryan came for this small test for the sake of Finley, which impressed Evan.

Evan got up and moved to the last row.

He sat by Bryan and asked, “Is this banner your idea? People laughed at you.”

Bryan glared at Harry.

Harry immediately stood up and admitted, “Mr. Evan, it was my idea.”

“Come on! Don’t lie for Bryan.” Evan narrowed his eyes as if he saw through the trick.

Bryan didn’t want to explain at all.

He watched the game intently.

A new round of the competition began.

Finley was as fast as before, and the scratches on her hand didn’t influence her speed.


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