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Chasing My Ex-wife Back (Hailey and Cole) novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 

Not believing his eyes, he went through the papers again in disbelief that Hailey had the nerve to send him all of these after the good time he had with his sons the previous day

Why do you look as though you just saw a ghost?Cole looked up to face the owner of the voice. and it turned out to be Jess who was dressed in baggy pants and a matching top. Her hair was in a low sleek ponytail. She had a sling bag around her shoulder and was holding a mug of coffee she got from Cole’s kitchen. On days when she wasn’t being a badass lawyer, she loved to look casual.” 

You came at the right time, Jess. I thought I could do this the easy way but she is not making it any easier for me. There’s no way she is going to push me away. Not especially now when I’ve got all the reasons to be with her.” 

Not understanding all that Cole was saying, Jess placed her mug on a nearby table, approached Cole, and took all the papers from him. She spent the next few seconds taking a thorough glance at the papers

She finally sent you divorce papers and a restraining order for her and her boys.” 

“I wanna sue.” 


Look Cole, you need to calm down. That is not the best way to…… 

I am done being the patient one, Jess. I know I wronged her but that doesn’t mean I am a terrible person that deserves to be cheated. I have tried all my best to settle amicably but she chooses. violence.” 

I respect her decision for not wanting to be with me but there is no way in hell she is going to keep me away from my children.” 

Jessica frowned, staring at Cole intently. What children?” 

The twins are mine.” 

What twins?” 

Cole let out a big sigh, remembering that he had lots of explanations to do to Jess

Hailey has two sons and they are twins. I was at her home yesterday to see her so I saw the little boys. They look so much like me that even the blind could tell.” 

Jess stared at her best friend in disbelief, slowly taking her seat on the couch beside Cole

Wait, first of all, why did you go to her place? Aren’t you meant to be under some form of bedrest?Come on, is that what you could pick out from all that I’ve said?” 


Chapter 27 

No, that is not only what I picked out. But you showing up in her home uninvited could be one of the basis for her sending you these documents.” 

Spare me that talk. Jess. I went with good intentions: To see how she was fairing after the accident. I had no intention to harm her.” 

I saw the boys in the process. If I had never gone there I wouldn’t even know that those two little children exist. How is it my fault for going there?” 

For fucks sake, I have been living life recklessly for the past four years not knowing that I had kids somewhere who needed me. And I know Hailey. She would never have told me if I didn’t go to her home. So how the hell am I at fault?” 

That is one of the grounds she is using against you here,” Jessica said, taking a glance at the papers before her. You are invading the privacy of her family.” 

That’s ridiculous! I have been so gentle all these while and she needs to know that I can’t be bullied. I wanna sue.” 

Are you sure these children are yours?” 

Cole sighed massaging his temple

Taking their pictures was the last thing on my mind yesterday. At this point, I wish I did so that I can clear you of all doubts.” 

as though 

Those kids are a replica of me, Jess. I almost passed out when I saw them. They called me, Daddy. I don’t know if Hailey told them before now that I was their Daddy or ever showed them my pictures. I felt a very strong bond in my heart every minute that I spent with them. It wa the big hole of loneliness in my heart was suddenly filled with so much happiness, joy, and pride.” 

Did Hailey conform to it? What did she say?“. 

She denied. She said she is the only parent to the boys. I demanded DNA but she refused. I tried. pleading with her and then we were interrupted by her exboyfriend, Tyler. Tyler and I got into a fight.” 

I can imagine. It is stated here.Jess mumbled

What?Cole stared in disbelief

You being violent! One of the reasons she and her sons want to be away from you!” 

Hailey is being so unfair to me. She knows I would never be violent towards her or even the twins.” 

She also claimed that she was almost shot and everyone around her is a suspect and on that note, the safety of her children comes first,Jessica said, taking a thorough glance at the papers before 


This is all false! I mean what the hell? How could I be a suspect when I took a bullet in her place.” 

Chapter 27 

For four good years, she hid my children away from me. I didn’t freak out. Instead, I pleaded to be in their lives and this is what I get in return?” 

Life without Hailey will be so depressing that is why I am doing all I can to get her back. I get it if she doesn’t want me, but I can’t do without my children. I love them so much already and it would break me to be away from them.” 

What are their names?” 

Enzo and Ollie.” 

They don’t have your surnames?” 

Cole shook his head, feeling a special type of pain. I know I was a douchebag but do I need to be treated terribly because I am trying to make things right?” 

Jessica’s heart went out to him. She was certain she could see tears in his eyes. She kept the papers in one hand and gave her best friend’s hand a light squeeze

Tell me, what else do I need to do to prove to her that I am worthy of a second chance?” 

I’m really sorry all of this is happening, Cole but the truth is that; I don’t see you solving everything with Violence.” 

You should know better, Jess. This isn’t violence. This is me fighting for what I think is right. I just can’t allow her to push me aside as though I mean nothing. I can’t be alive while she allows someone like Tyler to come close to my children.” 

So you have any idea if she was pregnant before she left you?” 


But our last encounter was at the office. She was pleading with me that she wanted us to have a new beginning. And she gave me a wrapped gift. I never opened it.” 

Then I got a text from her later that night. She referred to herself as WEand that word struck me. I think she was referring to herself and the baby.” 

I was just a fucking asshole. I would have known all of these if I was really patient.” 

But right now, I have no idea if I’ve got any strength left in me to fight. I don’t know what to do 


You should give her time.” 

How much time?” 

I think a couple of days

I don’t think it will change anything even though I give her a couple of weeks. Hailey is just so 

Chapter 27 

stubborn. She wasn’t like that before. I must have really hurt her a lot for her to change that way

I could hardly sleep last night. Never did it occur to me all these years that I was a father of two. They have always wanted me but God knows the excuse Hailey gave them.” 

Every mother always wants what is best for their babies.”” 

Come on, Jess, I am not a monster.” 

No, you’re not. And I am sure Hailey is going to come around.” 

I’m really happy to know about the kids. Congratulations!” 

Yeah,Cole mumbled with sadness all over his face. I miss them and it sucks that I can’t see them or be with them. I made them a promise that I’d never leave them. But look at me. I have failed already as a father.” 

No, don’t talk that way. I know you’ve always wanted to have a kid. And I know having a kid with Hailey means so much to you.” 

My advice to you is not to give up, because I believe everything is going to be worth it in the end. Don’t go the violent way because that will scrap out all of the good efforts you’ve made so far.” 

As your lawyer, I would reach out to Hailey and her lawyer to help you get a fair deal so you can see your children when you want. But as for the divorce, no matter what I do, the truth remains that you can’t force an adult to remain in a marriage that they don’t want to, even if the feelings between the couples exist. Especially in this situation where she is not even demanding any assets from you. She just wants it for the record that you both are no longer man and wife.” 

Jess thought for a second, stared at the papers on her lap then back at Cole

I will do all I can to stall the divorce process for a few weeks. I would want you to use that time to fight for Hailey and your kids.” 

Come on, Cole, you can’t give up now,” Jess said after he was silent for a while

Just think of the big and happy family you all could become.” 

What big and happy family?The highpitched familiar voice came through

Cole rolled his eyes at the voice while Hailey exhaled, putting the papers back in the envelope

I told you to stay away from my husband!Vanessa glared at Jess, coming to a halt where they were. seated


Because I don’t like you!” 

And you think I care?Jess glared at her in disgust. 

06:28 Sat, 20 Apr Chapter 27 

What do you want? I’m in a very important meeting!Cole’s voice overshadowed theirs

Come on, babe. Don’t tell me she is more important than I am.” 

That’s definitely so obvious. You must be so blind if you can’t see that.Jess stood her ground

Don’t you dare talk to me that way!” 

Why? Are you any special?” 

I’m Cole’s wife!” 

Jess had no idea when a mocking laughter escaped her lips, making Vanessa angrier

It is such a pity that you are dying for a man whose heart belongs to another woman. You should be ashamed and disgusted with yourself for wanting your sister’s husband.” 


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