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Chasing My Ex-wife Back (Hailey and Cole) novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 

Connie shut the door behind her and immediately proceeded to the bedside in the middle of the room where her daughter was

Her eyes were shut, she was in a pale blue hospital gown and Connie could see a bandage over her wrist

Hi baby,” Connie said with a low voice, taking a seat beside her daughter on the bed

Vanessa slowly opened her eyes

What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you do this to yourself? You almost died! If you die, who is going to take over all of your father’s property?” 

Sorry mama. It wasn’t on purpose. I was trying to threaten Cole to marry me and then it happened.” 

That was close, but I am glad you are here with me. How do you feel?She said, placing a hand on 

ca’s forehead

My body feels heavy and my head hurts a little.” 

Where’s Cole? He brought me to the hospital, right?” 

He is outside.” 

Did the doctor say anything to you?” 

No, why do you ask? He only said I will be discharged in a few days.” 

He says you are pregnant” 

What?Vanessa said at the top of her voice, slowly sitting up and resting her back against the pillow

What the hell?!” 

No,! She shook her head. It can’t be me. There’s probably a mistake somewhere.” 

Stop being childish. The doctor says you are and your test results will be ready soon.” 

But how?Vanessa said, with confusion all over her face

Are you really asking me that?” 

She looked away from her mother in shame

I really don’t care if this came as a shock to you but please tell me the child is Cole’s.” 

06:29 Sat, 20 Apr

Chapter 30 

Can you just say something!!Connie asked impatiently after a few seconds of silence

I don’t know!” 

Don’t play with me. Vanessa. You better talk so we can end this mess.” 

Did you and Cole sleep together recently?” 

Please don’t start with those freaking tears!Connie voiced out when she saw her daughter’s eyes getting teary

Did the Doctor say how far along I am?” 

How is that relevant? Oh, Christ! don’t tell me you have been fucking many men at the same time?” 

I thought you told me that you are in love with Cole? What the hell went wrong?” 

Of course, I love him!” 

Then why are you doubting this baby? You and Cole had an affair right?” 

That was a while back. That is why I am asking how far I am.” 

How long?Connie asked, staring at her daughter curiously

Oh God, Vanessa. I can’t believe you had to ruin it all just when we were so close to getting all that we deserved.” 

Come on, mom. It’s not easy to get rejected by the man you truly want. Cole literally says it to my face every day that he doesn’t want me. And Ruben was always there to give me the attention


Connie’s eyes went wide. Ruben? Ruben Ewes? What the hell has come over you, Vanessa? Ruben is married with kids?” 

*Please lower your voice, Mom. My head aches!” 

This must be karma! Never did I know a day would come that you would stab me in the back.” 

Stop being ridiculous, Mom!” 

You call this ridiculous? Okay, what are we going to do now?” 

Vanessa said nothing

When was the last time you shared a bed with Cole? Maybe when you both shared a bed with nothing happening.” 

I know we slept together twice, shortly before Hailey showed up again.” 

06:29 Sat, 20 Apr 

Chapter 80 

I don’t care who the father is and I don’t care what you have to do. You are going to have this baby and Cole is going to be the father. You are going to make him understand that, okay?” 

Vanessa nodded, not knowing what to say

And we are going to ask the doctor for a proof. Maybe the test result or the ultrasound. Anything. that works and once you are discharged from here, you need to see Hailey with the proof and put her in her place.” 

What’s going on? What did Hailey do?Eric’s voice came through as he approached them. Both Mother and Daughter had no idea when he entered

Vanessa brought her hand to her face, wiping tears from the corner of her eyes

Hailey? You must have heard wrong. We were just discussing ourselves.” Connie voiced out

Where’s Cole?She asked her husband

He’s gone.” 

Gone? What do you mean he’s gone? Isn’t he meant to be here with his wife?” 

What wife?That very familiar voice came through, stepping in

What the hell?Connie cursed softly. There must be something wrong with the door that I can’t hear everyone coming in.” 

I thought you had left,Eric said as Cole came to a halt beside him

I almost did. But then I remember that I need to put some things in place since this is the final time I would probably be seeing you guys.” 

What do you mean?” 

Are you dying?Vanessa and Connie said respectively, turning their attention to him

You can say it that way 

because I am officially dead to you all from today.” 

Why would you say so? Vanessa is here because of you.” 

Enough Connie!!Cole raised his voice, glaring at her

Aren’t you tired of living in lies and toxicity? Doesn’t it disgust you all to keep forcing yourself on a man who doesn’t love you?He said, staring at Vanessa in particular

I am pregnant, Cole.” 

So?He glared at her

Our baby!She placed a hand on her belly

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Chapter 30 

Cole let out a chuckle. You won! I think I might have looked down on you on how far you are willing to go just to end. up with me.” 

Come on, Cole, this baby is yours!” 


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