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Chasing My Ex-wife Back (Hailey and Cole) novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 

Debbie sighed, got down from the stool, and made her way to where her friend was

Look babe, I understand your refusal and the fact that you have your Babiesinterest at heart but you really need to do this!” 

Of course, I can’t. My lawyer just served him a restraining order today as well as the divorce papers. Everything is almost sorted, why would I ruin that?” 

You actually did that!” 

Stop acting shocked, babes. I told you I was going to.” 

Yes, you told me. But I had no idea you really meant it or that it was going to be this fast.” 

I realized the quicker I chased him out of my life, the better I moved on.” 

Debbie heaved a deep sigh. You need to revisit your decision, babe. If not for you, then do it for the sake of your boys. Please.” 

You know I can’t live with myself if anything were to happen to my boys. I literally escaped death by a hair’s breadth, I can’t allow anything to happen to them.” 

Nothing’s gonna happen to them, Babe. I need you to loosen up a bit.” 

I know this is not what you planned but now that things have changed, you need to be a bit flexible with your rules

You don’t have to forgive Cole or be with him if you don’t want to. But please give him a little slack with the kids.” 

You can start slowly. Let him come over once a week, probably on weekends to see the twins.” 

Hailey says nothing

Just remember you are doing this for the happiness of your children and not him.” 

I hate how unfair life can be,Hailey mumbled, wiping her hands with a towel

I get to suffer the most and Cole gets easy access to me?” 

Is there something you are not telling me, huh?Debbie said

Are you purposely putting him at arm’s length because of your fear of falling in love with him again?” 

You all don’t know Cole more than I do. If there is anything he is good at, it is crawling into anyone’s heart and totally destroying that person.” 

Remember I married him to save my father’s company. The marriage was rushed and shabby. Only his father and a random stranger were there as witnesses. I made a promise that night that I was never going to sleep with Cole but guess what happened, I got knocked up. I mean I could have refused when he carried me in a bridal style to the room to have sex but I was glad at that moment that it was happening

I married him hating him, he never gave me any attention, but my dumb self ended up falling in love with him 


Chapter 32 

despite him not loving me.” 

“I hate to s say this but even though I feel nothing but hate for him, there is just this feeling bottled up Inside of me that I have been lighting for the past four years. Cole Matthis is a manipulator and I don’t want him around me

I understand, sweets. But what if you lay down strict rules? You don’t have to be too close when he is around. You can just watch them from afar!” 

God! You are not going to give up, are you?” 

Debbie shook her head

Storming out of the hospital, Cole took his phone from his pocket and dialed Jessica who picked up almost immediately

Hi boo! Please tell me you’ve gotten rid of that bitch!Jess’s voice came through

Have you started working on the orders? I want you to serve that bitch like right now!” 

What’s going on? And why does it sound like you are outside. Aren’t you meant to be resting indoors?” 

I’m outside the hospital.” 

Which hospital? Why?He could hear the fear and concern in Jessica’s voice

That bitch cut herself with some knife just because I refused to promise to get married to her. She passed out, and we rushed her to the hospital. She was tested and they found out she is pregnant.” 

I can’t believe Vanessa would look me in the eye and tell me she is fucking pregnant!” 

You didn’t sleep with her, did you?” 

Come on, Jess. Not you too doubting me.” 

I need to ask so we would know what to do. You both used to be together so I wouldn’t have known what was done behind closed doors!” 

Of course, the baby isn’t mine. This is evidence that she is whoring around while claiming some fake love to me.” 

You need to be very careful, Cole. You’ve got so much on your plate right now and the last thing you need is a drama from Vanessa and her family.” 

I hate that I wasn’t strict with her from the very beginning Cole cursed

It’s fine. I trust you. Please stay calm, I will do all I can to make sure the orders get to her soonest. I am about to start my meeting with Hailey’s lawyer.” 

Two days later

Cole was stupidly awake all night for no reason so he slept all through the mornings, waking up at almost noon

Chapter 32 

Slowly opening his eyes, he reached for his phone under the pillow and came face to face with a text message from 

an unknown number

Good morning. Are you free for lunch? I would like us to talk about the twins. If you are in, please meet me at ENROL cafe at 2 pm 

Cole flew up 

from his bed, grinning like a fool who had just been proposed to. He checked the time the message came in, which was 6:42 am. He mentally facepalmed for the unintentional delay

With shaky hands and a huge smile on his face, Cole went ahead to respond

Good morning. Yes, I’m free. See you at 2.” 

Almost immediately, he went to his call log and dialed Jess who picked up after a few rings

Am I speaking to the best lawyer in town?” 

Wow! I see you are in a very good mood today. What am I missing?” 

What do you mean? Don’t I deserve to be happy?” 

Of course you do. But I’m lost here. What is going on?” 

Thank you!” 

What for?” 

I don’t know what you did but it worked!” 

I’m confused, Cole. Can you just go straight to the point and let me know what I am taking credit for?” 

I woke up to a text from Hailey. She says we should meet at 2 to talk about the twins, I think this is the best news I’ve heard all my life.” 

Are you sure about this?Jess asked

Of course, why would you say that?” 

In as much as that is good news and I would love to take credit for that, I don’t think I have anything to do with it.” 

Why do you say so? Aren’t you in talks with Hailey’s lawyer?” 

Yeah, I am. But she is a handful. She was adamant Hailey wasn’t not going to change her mind even if she spoke to her. I really don’t know what is happening but I think this is good news. Hailey probably thought this through and decided to give you a chance.” 

Yes, I think so 

Go for lunch and please be on your best behavior. This might be the only chance you have to prove yourself

Yes, I will. I’ll start getting ready.” 

Okay, dude. Talk to you later. I have a client to attend to.” 

Chapter 32 

Hailey’s attention was on the document she was reviewing when a knock came through on the door

She answered it, and almost immediately, her assistant came in

You have a visitor, ma“ 

Hailey frowned. A male?” 

No ma. Two women?” 

She frowned even deeper. I am not expecting anyone for now, What do they say their names are and why are they here?” 

They said their names are Ella and Beatrice and they would like to see you.” 

“I don’t know anyone with those names. Where are they seated? The reception?” 

Yes, ma. The receptionist answered

Hailey reached for her tab. There were CCTV cameras all over the building and she could monitor the footage of her floor on her tab


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