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Chasing My Ex-wife Back (Hailey and Cole) novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39 

Unsure as to what was happening, Cole accepted the phone from Jess

Vanessa made a post on Instagram. It was a picture of a positive pregnancy home test laid on a bed and beside the picture was a onesie with the words I love Mommy and Daddyon it. And under the picture was a heartfelt caption

Cole and I are going to be parents and it’s the best thing we could ever ask for. We are so excited for this new phase of our lives. Thank you all for the Congratulatory messages in advance. #proud parents.Then she tagged Cole on the post. The post was made 4 hours ago and it had 43, 000 comments already

Cole exhaled deeply. If I had killed her this afternoon, this wouldn’t be happening.” 

Cole, are you sure you didn’t sleep with this witch?” 

Cole heaved a deep sigh, passing Jess’s phone back to her. Great! Even my best friend is doubting me.” 

No, I am not. This is just coming from a place of concern. I swear I’m not doubting your words but her actions are just really disturbing. I mean, if she is pregnant and the baby isn’t yours, I don’t think she would have the confidence to do all the nasty stuff she is doing.” 

She’s being too bold for a liar.” 

I get it. If my best friend doesn’t believe me, How do I expect Hailey to believe me? I don’t know if she is active on social media but I can imagine how betrayed she is going to feel once she sees the post. Vanessa has really ruined. my life.” 

“I trust you, Cole.” 

No, you don’t. You think I am going to fuck someone and knock her up and won’t have any idea of what I did?” 

I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry, I am just baffled at Vanessa’s guts. It is just so absurd that one would go to this length over something that is false.” 

Even if it is true and you are really the father. Shouldn’t this be a consensual thing? I mean, you guys should be able to agree on when to share the news with the public. she should fucking take some chill pill. She hasn’t even crossed her first trimester. Not that I wish her bad luck with the baby she is carrying

She’s really insane. I regret ever knowing her. She is out there seeking public sympathy. Maybe she thinks it is going to get to me and I would want to be with her.” 

I wish I could sue her right away for defamation of character. Anything. Just to put her behind bars.” 

I support you,Jess said. But it is so sad that nothing can be done. At least for now. The court is going to insist we wait until the baby is born before it can give you any relief.” 

I couldn’t believe she tagged you on a fake post.” 

My phone must have been buzzing nonstop. Cole mumbled, massaging his temple

I am so sorry about all of these. What are you going to do now?” 

I don’t know 


Chapter 89 

If I remain quiet, people are gonna assume it is true. But If I make a post retracting it, it’s going to become scandal. At the same time, I don’t want people congratulating me over something that isn’t true

“I honestly don’t care what people think about me. The only person’s opinion I care about is Hailey. But everything is ruined. I have got nothing left to fight for.” 

I understand. This is really sad and I am so sorry this is happening. I will speak to Hailey.” 

Don’t! just last her be.” 

Jess shook her head

I mean it, Jess. I appreciate your kindness but don’t bother.” 

I know Hailey well. She of all people should know how manipulative her sister and stepmother could be. But she chooses to believe what she wants.” 

I know all of these hurts. Vanessa has the media on her side and would always play the victim. But deep down, I think Hailey knows the truth. She just doesn’t want to give me a chance.” 

It takes nothing to publicly debunk all of Vanessa’s accusations but who cares? There is only one woman I really want but she doesn’t care either. So it’s all cool.” 

I’m so sorry. I really wish there was something I could do right now to put everyone in their place. You don’t deserve all of these.” 

It is really painful and I am not going to deny that this hurts me so bad. But sometimes life can be unfair. I gotta. move on regardless.” 

Your kids?Jess whispered

I don’t know.” 

I’m going to give them a break and reach out to Hailey later on if I could see them. If she refuses, then I would just have to forget them and move on. I’m glad I got the opportunity to meet them. Even though it was just for a short while.” 

Sorry to interrupt Sir. But your Father is here to see you.The housekeeper informed Cole who facepalmed

In the study?” 

Yes sir.” 

“I will be there shortly.” The housekeeper nodded, taking her leave

I told him not to show up here. I really don’t want to talk about this anymore. I mean, I already told him that all Vanessa and Connie told him was a lie.” 

Your Dad just wants you to be happy He has never been one to criticize your decisions. He is probably so confused. I feel he is going to be a bit calm if he knows about the twins. He had always wanted grandkids as far as I know. You know how he treats my babies as though they are his.” 

I can’t tell him about Enzo and Ollie. He is going to freak out. I don’t want to do anything that would upset Hailey.” 


Chapter 39 

Jess shook her head. I don’t think so. But it is fine if you want to respect Hailey’s wishes

You know how close my Dad is with Eric. I’m not saying my Dad isn’t trustworthy but I am not sure he would be able to control his excitement about it. He could tell Eric and Eric could open up to those witches. I would rather keep quiet about it for their safety

You still came when I told you that you didn’t have to,” Cole said, stepping into the study room

Yeah, I wouldn’t have if I checked my phone earlier, Moore admitted, looking up from his phone, smiling. These people can’t stop congratulating me. They said they saw a post on the news.” 

Even though it was good to see his father genuinely happy, Cole knew he had to break the news to Moore

“I had no idea you and Vanessa made up already.” 

No, we didn’t.” 

But she poste…… she post 

That was all on her. And I hope this shows you how much of a cruel being she is.” 

You know me, Dad. You know I don’t do Social media bullshit. Yeah, I have an Instagram account which I have only posted just a picture since I opened the account. I honestly can’t even remember my password.” 

Even if I were to be the father of the child, shouldn’t Vanessa at least consult me first, asking for my opinions before opening up to the public? For fucks sake the baby is just a few weeks old and if she is really sincere about me being the father, don’t you think she would come to me first and her priority would be about making peace with me instead of seeking validity from unknown sets of strangers over the internet.” 

Is this the kind of person you want me to spend my forever with?” 

I know you care about me, Dad. And I know you want what’s best for me.” 

But I also want to remind you that I am a sane person. This is not me avoiding responsibility. And for the last time, I am telling you from the depth of my heart that that baby isn’t mine” 

I know you want grandkids but please quit being desperate. It is going to happen at the right time. I promise you.Moore sighed deeply, not knowing what to say. If you are really not the father. Why are Vanessa and Connie on your neck, making you look like a bad person?” 

They want it for their status. I just need you to stop believing everything that they say to you.” 

So what are we going to do? I keep getting congratulatory texts. In as much as it feels good to hear, I need to face reality. We really need to put a stop to it. What do we do?Moore stared at his Son intently

The Next Day

Hailey was forced to look up when a knock came through on her door She add 

Chapter 39 

There is a message from the receptionist downstairs, Ma. You have a visitor. Jessica. She says she is Cole’s lawy and would like to see it. She says it’s an emergency.” 

Hailey sighed, wondering what Jess wanted to see her for when she knew she could communicate with her through 

her lawyer

It’s fine, let her in.” 

Hailey’s assistant nodded and took her leave

In exactly three minutes, a knock came through again on Hailey’s door

Come in.” 


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