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Chasing My Ex-wife Back (Hailey and Cole) novel Chapter 4


Four Years Later


Come on, Mommy. It’s time to wake up.Hailey heard that familiar voice, followed by a tiny pair of hands, pulling her right hand

I’ve got my alarm. It will beep when it’s time to wake up.She said with a sleepy voice, her eyes still closed

But the alarm beeped already and you didn’t wake up.” 

It did?Hailey said, finally opening her eyes. She took a glance at the alarm clock on her bedside and saw that it was 15 minutes past her wake up time

She mentally facepalmed, slowly pulling herself up into a sitting position

Good morning mama,The little boy threw himself at his mommy the moment she was well seated

Good morning, my love.She pulled him into a warm long hug, placing a deep kiss on the crown of his head

Are you tired, Mommy?Hailey smiled, seeing the concern on her Son’s face

Yes, just a little bit but I will be fine. I was awake past my bedtime. That’s why.” 


Don’t do that again, mommy. That’s not good for you.” 

Hailey chuckled. If only her little boy understood that she had a lot on her plate and that included giving her kids the beautiful future she never had

Your brother is still asleep?Hailey asked her first son. The little boy shook his head. Enzo is watching cartoons.” 

Hailey nodded


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Let’s get you both ready for school.She got down from the bed, helped her son down, and with their hands intertwined, they exited the room to the kidsroom

It was big, beautifully decorated with the best pieces of furniture, and two double beds, each belonging to the boys

And just like Oliver said, Enzo was still on his bed, watching some morning cartoons. He had no idea when his mommy and twin brother walked into the room

Did he sleep well through the night?” 

Yes, mommy,Oliver answered, nodding. He loved it so much whenever he was given a task to do

Thank you, my love.” She crouched to Oliver’s height, hugged and kissed him on the cheek after which she made her way to where Enzo was

Hi Mommy,He smiled, moving towards his mother and she pulled him into a long hug

How do you feel now?” 

I’m fine, mommy. Is it time to get ready for school?” 

Yes, baby. I’m late for work already but that’s fine. I am still going to drop you all at school.” 

Cool, mommy, I’m going to introduce you to Aubrey.Oliver voiced out

Okay,Hailey mumbled, a smile crept to her lips as she stared from Oliver to Enzo who was blushing, and then back to Oliver

What did I miss? Who is Aubrey?Hailey asked, giving all her attention to her boys. At this point, She didn’t care that she could be extremely late to work. She cherished every time spent with her bundles of joy

Aubrey is the new girl in class. She said she likes Enzo.” 

I don’t like her.Enzo defended, smiling

You share your snacks with her,Oliver said as a matter of fact

You do?Hailey asked Enzo, staring at him with so much amusement. Unlike his twin brother, Enzo was the 


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more reserved and shy one

She likes my snack so I shared it with her.” 

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You shared?Hailey couldn’t believe her ears. It wasn’t as though Enzo was a stingy kid. He was just used to being alone.” 

He likes her.Oliver giggled

We are gonna be late for school.Enzo groaned, not in for any form of teasing this morning


Oh cool, that’s not a problem. We will continue this conversation later.Hailey said after which she led her boys to their adjoined bathroom and helped them clean up

Once done, they dried their bodies and Hailey supervised them as they got into their outfit for the day

It was second to none that the twin boys were at a point in their lives where they just wanted to do everything themselves. Hailey lets them sometimes. While other times, she just sits and supervises

Once they were done dressing up for school, She led her boys to the dining room. Elma, the maid, was done preparing breakfast so Hailey served Enzo and Oliver some food after which she went to her room to get ready 

for work

She was back in about Twenty minutes, She had coffee and eggs, then exited the house with her sons

The ride to their school was mostly quiet. The boys were at the back, occupied with their iPads while Hailey focused on the road and a little bit of her thoughts

After what felt like forever, Hailey pulled you into the parentsparking lot, she got down from her car and went over to help the boys out

Be good.She kissed them both on the foreheads, after which they shared some hugs

Their class teacher came by, and Hailey spoke to her a bit, after which she took the boys in


Hailey stood and watched with smiles on her face as her twin boys made their way in. They turned back for a second to wave. She waved back and Hailes was about to enter the car when she saw a girl hug Enzo. She was the same height as him. She smiled, knowing that could be Aubrey


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In about thirty minutes, Hailey got to the office. Her secretary, Melinda, met her at the ground floor entrance

Morning, Ma’am.” She took Hailey’s handbag from her and handed her a cup of coffee

Thank you.Hailey brought the cup to her lips and took a sip

You have a visitor” 


Who?She mumbled, making her way towards the elevator

He said his name is Julz.” 

Hailey stopped in her tracks, turning her attention to Melinda, frowning. Julz Carton?” 

Exactly ma.” 

What the hell is he doing here

He said he has very important information for you.” 

You all got to be kidding me!Hailey shoved the remaining cup of coffee in Melinda’s hand and stormed towards the elevator

Melinda went after her, trying to keep up, wondering how someone could be this fast on heels

Coming out of the elevator, Hailey saw Julz seated on the couch at the reception. She went to where he was

Hailey?Julz said in disbelief the moment he sighted her. He stared at her from head to toe and couldn’t believe this was her. He couldn’t help himself so he rose to his feet

How can I help you?Hailey said with a stern voice, as though she had no idea of who he was


rme, right? Julz, your father’s frie…..He hiccupe 

You’ve changed so much, Where have you been all these years?” 

Please see yourself out.She said and started to make her way towards her office

No, wait up. There is something important. That is why I’m here.” He said, walking so fast after her


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Hailey stopped in front of the door of her office and turned around to face him. Before She could say anything, Julz’s voice came through. How come you disappeared off the face of the earth? Th……this is your company? You have changed so much.” 

Sorry about my reaction. This is just….so hard to take in.” 

Hailey glared at the old man who was almost in his fifties once more

Yes, this is my company and I am going to ask you for the last time or else I won’t hesitate to slam the door on your face.” 

What do you want?Hailes stated her point politely and even from the way she was staring at him, Julz knew that she was damn serious

Okay, I will go straight to the point. Julz mumbled, wondering how he was going to start the conversation

You may remember me as your Father’s friend but I am also your Grandfather’s lawyer.” 

What does this have to do with me?” 

Your father has reached his retirement age. It is time for you to take over the company.” 

What company?Hailey said with confusion written all over her face

Your family company.” 

What family?” 

It was in your Grandfather’s will that his first Granddaughter should take over the company once Eric is retired.” 

Coming here was definitely a mistake for you and a waste of our time. You definitely didn’t discuss this with Eric because if you did, I am sure you wouldn’t be here.” 

Those people you mentioned are people of the past. I’ve got nothing to do with them anymore. I’ve got my hands full with my company

Yeah, I know all that I am saying right now doesn’t make sense to you but the truth is that your family company is on the verge of winding up due to bankruptcy. They tried merging with Cole’s company but nothing good 

came of it.” 


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I don’t know how but you have done so well for yourself. If not for the proof the personal Investigator sent me, I wouldn’t believe that you run this company.” 

Your father’s company needs you, Hailey.” 

I don’t have a father and there is no way I am going to have anything to do with any member of that family. They can all go to hell with their bankruptcy. I don’t give two fucks about them.Hailey said, and with fast steps, she made her way into her office

Julz was about to follow her in when he felt someone grab his arm. He glanced at the owner of the arm and it turned out to be two hefty security men that were behind him. He could swear that they weren’t there earlier. That made him wonder so much about how they suddenly got to where he was

Let go of me.He mumbled, frowning at the security that held him

You can’t go in, Sir.” 

Thank you for being rude and polite at the same time.Julz glared at them

You either help yourself out or we are going to force you out.The other security guard said sternly


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